Niko u ovoj zemlji nije se više
trudio da promoviše, objašnjava, plasira, diskutuje, piše i dopisuje i tumači SRPSKI
FILM. Svedočanstva toga raštrkana su svuda po ovome blogu. Da vas podsetim – a
ima tu zabavnih stvari i vrednih za osvežiti memoriju pamćenja i onima koji su
to čitali na vreme:

Moje najave: svetska
onda: SRPSKI FILM na
Filmskim Susretima u Nišu.
osvrt za blog – bez spojlera.
na engleskom, na mom eng. blogu.
to, ali na svecki relevantnom sajtu Kvajet
Moje ultimativno
OBJAŠNJENJE – sa spojlerima, detaljima, pizdarijama.
Učešće na tribinama: SRPSKI FILM kao
povod - Prikaz
društvene psihopatologije.
Moje pisanje o njemu za RUE
MORGUE i za slovenački EKRAN: SRPSKI FILM i
dalje hara!
Tutnuo sam ga i među 200
alternativnih horora koje morate videti!
Ekskluzivno sam vam predočio tekst: SRPSKI FILM U
Još exkluzivnije - SRPSKI FILM EFX
PHOTOS (nisu za osjetljive)!
O njemu sam pričao i pisao i povodom nečega što su
izvoleli nazvati NOVI
film" u
Najzad, povlačio sam paralele između
Radivojević Sr i Jr-a u tekstu KVAR SRPSKOG FILMA: Krv nije voda.
I tako dalje.

A sve to je samo prolog za moju tvrdnju
kako ovaj film aktivno i bogato ŽIVI i
pažnju pobuđuje i 8 godina nakon premijere. Najnoviji dokaz toga je sledeća
vest, koju prenosim sa sajta mog omiljenog RU MORGA:
Preuzeto odavde:
What is often regarded to be the Most Controversial
Film of All Time, is coming to Los Angeles for A SERBIAN FILM EXHIBITION (May
18-21 Lethal Amounts Gallery: 1226 W 7th St, Los Angeles, CA). Billed as the
“Ultimate Three-Day Fan Experience”, the event will feature a rarely seen
one-time screening of the Uncut 104 minute version of A Serbian Film newly restored
in 4K, followed by a Q&A with director Srdjan Spasojevic and VIP
Additionally, props and wardrobe items from the
film will be showcased at a three-day gallery exhibit and available for
purchase during an auction on eBay, beginning May 18. A limited number of
original storyboards, each signed by Spasojevic, will also be available for
purchase on eBay. Finally, cameras will be rolling all weekend long, capturing
highlights and fan interviews for the upcoming A Serbian Film Documentary.
From the press release:
LOS ANGELES (May 2, 2018) – Srdjan Spasojevic’s
2010 horror-thriller A Serbian Film has been vilified by “mainstream” critics
and banned by festival directors worldwide. It’s also been called “great” by
legendary director William Friedkin (The Exorcist) and is beloved by diehard
horror fans. Truly polarizing, one thing is certain: A Serbian Film is perhaps
the most controversial film of all time. Now, Unearthed Films and A Serbian
Film director Srdjan Spasojevic team up to bring fans of the iconic film the
ultimate fan experience, A SERBIAN FILM EXHIBITION. Coming soon to terrorize
Los Angeles from Friday, May 18 – Sunday, May 20, the three-day exhibition
features a one-time screening of the rare, Uncut version of the film, an
after-party hosted by Spasojevic, and a gallery exhibit where all the props
will be on full display and available for purchase during a seven-day
online-only auction and storyboard sale on eBay. Unearthed Films will also film
highlights from the exhibition and interviews with willing fans to include in A
Serbian Documentary, a feature documentary of the making of A Serbian Film.

“Unearthed Films is proud to curate this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase A Serbian Film and to celebrate the
work of Srdjan Spasojevic,” said Stephen Biro, President and Founder, Unearthed
Films. “This unique and exciting event gives fans the opportunity to meet with
Srdjan in person, and to acquire their very own piece of his truly masterful
film in the form of original props, special FX items, hand painted storyboards,
screenplays, costumes, and more.”

On Friday, May 18 fans can catch a rarely seen
one-time screening of the uncut version of A Serbian Film, beginning at 7:30
p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.) at Downtown Independent, and followed immediately
by a Q&A session with director Srdjan Spasojevic. Tickets to the screening
include access to a VIP after-party at Lethal Amounts Gallery hosted by

Fans are also invited to a FREE gallery exhibit at
Lethal Amounts Gallery, from Friday, May 18 – Sunday, May 20, where all the
props used in the film, including heads, bodies, more lethal devices, and even
“The Baby” will be on full display. Wardrobe items including costumes, boots,
and accessories, as well as original storyboards and scripts, will also be
showcased. Spasojevic will be in attendance to autograph posters and

Gallery Exhibit – Schedule:
* free admission to the gallery
* free admission to the gallery
Friday, May 18: 1 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 19: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 20: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Saturday, May 19: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 20: 12 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Take home a piece of horror film history! All items
displayed at the gallery exhibition will be available for purchase during a
seven-day online-only auction on eBay, beginning Friday, May 18 at 8 p.m. PT
and concluding Friday, May 25 at 8 p.m. PT. This is a one-time event, as
everything must be sold at auction.
There are also a limited number of 16”x11” original
storyboard pages available for purchase. Priced at $175 for each page, all 255
pages will be signed by the director and offered for sale in a lottery on eBay
at the same time as the auction window, May 18-25.

A link to the auction and storyboard sale will be
posted to ASerbianExhibition.com on Friday, May 18.

Anyone attending the screening and gallery exhibit
may appear in A Serbian Documentary – a feature documentary on the making of A
Serbian Film and the many controversies that followed its release. Cameras will
be rolling all weekend long, including interviews with willing fans.
Contests and surprise appearances await everyone
Što se tiče te Director's Cut verzije, da pojasnim,
jer znam da biste pitali: radi se o verziji u koju je reditelj ubacio neke vrlo
zanimljive „dramske“ scene – dakle, NE nova klanja i kasapljenja i perverzije i
gnusobe, niti dodatne sekunde već viđenih, već neke neexplicitne scene koje
proširuju likove i teme (najmanje jedna od njih je perverzno zabavna na svoj
način, ali bez ičega direktno šokantnog).

Uskoro će ta verzija izaći na blu reju u USA, što
znači da će, ovako ili onako, dospeti i do nas.
Ovaj event služi da se iznova probudi interesovanje
za film, za njegovog reditelja, i za njegove nove projekte koji se krčkaju – a
nadam se da će uskoro biti i nekih zvaničnih i konkretnih najava u tom smislu.