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magazinu RUE MORGUE – premijerno na srpskom i ekskluzivno na ovom blogu –
evo mog osvrta na jednu odličnu vrednu, ali –avaj– cenom presoljenu knjigu. Ako
ikako možete da do nje dođete pod razumnim uslovima, ne dvoumite se!
A Companion to the Horror Film
– Harry M. Benshoff (ed.)
Wiley-Blackwell, 2014
(c) Dejan Ognjanović for RUE
kompanjona kojeg će vam dobro doći da ga imate pri ruci: ključne koncepte,
teme, ideje i naslove razmatraju i objašnjavaju neka od najznačajnijih imena u
proučavanju horor filma (Matt Hills, Harry M. Benshoff, Mark Jancovich, Peter
Hutchings, James Kendrick, Isabel C. Pinedo, Xavier Mendik, Joan Hawkins...) i
to na 600 strana velikog formata.
u I delu bave se najznačajnijim pristupima hororu (iz ugla filozofije,
psihologije, psihoanalize, rodnih studija, seksualnosti, društvene alegorije)
kao i kontekstima (recepcija, distribucija, cenzura). U ovim radovima
ustanovljava se čvrsta osnova za razumevanje šta horor jeste i kako se postižu njegovi
učinci i značenja. Od posebne vrednosti su eseji "Horror and
Psychoanalysis" by Chris Dumas i "The Horror Film as Social Allegory"
by Christopher Sharrett.

deo bavi se formom horora (The Form of Horror) i sadrži jedan od najboljih
radova u knjizi koji će sigurno biti veoma uticajan i često citiran: Robert
Spadonijev "Horror Film Atmosphere and Narrative" je hrabar pokušaj
da se definiše koncept „atmosfere“ koji se, kod kritičara i teoretičara,
uglavnom uzima kao samopodrazumevajući.
i najduži deo istražuje istoriju (zapadnjačkog) horor filma, sa zasebnim
esejima posvećenim pregledu i re-evaluaciji po dekadama. Rad "International Horror in the 1970s"
by Peter Hutchings zaslužuje da se izdvoji zbog svoje široke perspektive i
svežih uvida, iako većina njegovih kolega u ovom poglavlju takođe teže tome da
pružaju nove uglove posmatranja na poznate (i manje poznate) klasike.

međunarodne horor kinematografije (Italian, Japanese, South Korean...) dobijaju
zasluženi tretman u četvrtom delu knjige, gde se naročito ističe bogat i iscrpan
pregled španskog horor filma: „Spanish Horror Cinema“ by Ian Olney.
peti deo se bavi odabranim arhetipovima, hibridima i krosoverima (Selected
Archetypes, Hybrids, and Crossovers) gde vredi istaći eseje o Ken Raselovim The Devils i o Trash/Cult hororima.

knjizi ovog obima zapanjuje da ima samo nekolicina ćoraka: recimo, rad Jay
McRoya koji pokušava da odbrani blesavi Tokyo
Gore Police zato što taj film, navodno, “mobiliše svoje distopijske
elemente kako bi kritikovao kulturnu ideologiju koja promoviše rigidne
koncepcije ljudskog identiteta.” Zatim, promašen je i rad Caroline Joan S.
Picart's pod naslovom "Reel/Real Horror" koji usiljeno u kontekst
horora i dokumentarizma pokušava da nagura dva Spilbegova filma koji NISU horor
(Schindler's List & Munich).
Sve u
svemu, ova ogromna knjiga je pravi pogodak: velika, pametna, korisna. Šta tu
ima da se ne svidi? Možda njena cena – oko 180$, ali opet, ako vam ne pođe za
rukom da ovo dobijete kao rođendanski poklon, tu su uvek biblioteke. A nijedna
ozbiljna biblioteka ne bi trebalo da bude bez ove knjige.
njenog kompletnog sadržaja:
Author Biography ix
Preface xv
Harry M. Benshoff
Part I Approaches and Contexts 1
1 Cognitive and Philosophical Approaches to Horror 3
Aaron Smuts
2 Horror and Psychoanalysis: An Introductory Primer 21
Chris Dumas
3 Gender and Sexuality Haunts the Horror Film 38
Daniel Humphrey
4 The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone) 56
Christopher Sharrett
5 Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film 73
Travis Sutton
6 Horror Reception/Audiences 90
Matt Hills
7 A's, B's, Quickies, Orphans, and Nasties: Horror Films in the Context of Distribution and Exhibition 109
Kevin Heffernan
8 Horror and the Censors 130
Julian Petley
Part II The Form of Horror 149
9 Carl Dreyer's Corpse: Horror Film Atmosphere and Narrative 151
Robert Spadoni
10 Horror Sound Design 168
William Whittington
11 Mellifluous Terror: the Discourse of Music and Horror Films 186
Joe Tompkins
Part III A History of the (Western) Horror Film 205
12 Horror Before "The Horror Film" 207
Harry M. Benshoff
13 Classical Hollywood Horror 225
John E. Browning
14 Horror in the 1940s 237
Mark Jancovich
15 Science Fiction and Horror in the 1950s 255
Steffen Hantke
16 The Gothic Revival (1957-1974) 273
Rick Worland
17 International Horror in the 1970s 292
Peter Hutchings
18 Slasher Films and Gore in the 1980s 310
James Kendrick
19 Millennial Fears: Abject Horror in a Transnational Context 329
Adam C. Hart
20 Torture Porn: 21st Century Horror 345
Isabel C. Pinedo
Part IV Selected International Horror Cinemas 363
21 Spanish Horror Cinema 363
Ian Olney
22 The Return of the Rural Repressed: Italian Horror and the Mezzogiorno Giallo 390
Xavier Mendik
23 Recent Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema 406
Jay McRoy
24 South Korean Horror Cinema 423
Daniel Martin
25 Sisterhood of Terror: The Monstrous Feminine of Southeast Asian Horror Cinema 442
Andrew Hock Soon Ng
Part V Selected Archetypes, Hybrids, and Crossovers 461
26 Vampires and Transnational Horror 463
Dale Hudson
27 Trash Horror and the Cult of the Bad Film 483
I. Q. Hunter
28 "Moody Three:" Revisiting Ken Russell's The Devils 501
Joan Hawkins
29 Horror's Otherness and Ethnographic Surrealism: The Case of The Shout 519
Adam Lownstein
30 The Documentary Impulse and Reel/Real Horror 536
Caroline Joan S. Picart
Preface xv
Harry M. Benshoff
Part I Approaches and Contexts 1
1 Cognitive and Philosophical Approaches to Horror 3
Aaron Smuts
2 Horror and Psychoanalysis: An Introductory Primer 21
Chris Dumas
3 Gender and Sexuality Haunts the Horror Film 38
Daniel Humphrey
4 The Horror Film as Social Allegory (And How it Comes Undone) 56
Christopher Sharrett
5 Avenging the Body: Disability in the Horror Film 73
Travis Sutton
6 Horror Reception/Audiences 90
Matt Hills
7 A's, B's, Quickies, Orphans, and Nasties: Horror Films in the Context of Distribution and Exhibition 109
Kevin Heffernan
8 Horror and the Censors 130
Julian Petley
Part II The Form of Horror 149
9 Carl Dreyer's Corpse: Horror Film Atmosphere and Narrative 151
Robert Spadoni
10 Horror Sound Design 168
William Whittington
11 Mellifluous Terror: the Discourse of Music and Horror Films 186
Joe Tompkins
Part III A History of the (Western) Horror Film 205
12 Horror Before "The Horror Film" 207
Harry M. Benshoff
13 Classical Hollywood Horror 225
John E. Browning
14 Horror in the 1940s 237
Mark Jancovich
15 Science Fiction and Horror in the 1950s 255
Steffen Hantke
16 The Gothic Revival (1957-1974) 273
Rick Worland
17 International Horror in the 1970s 292
Peter Hutchings
18 Slasher Films and Gore in the 1980s 310
James Kendrick
19 Millennial Fears: Abject Horror in a Transnational Context 329
Adam C. Hart
20 Torture Porn: 21st Century Horror 345
Isabel C. Pinedo
Part IV Selected International Horror Cinemas 363
21 Spanish Horror Cinema 363
Ian Olney
22 The Return of the Rural Repressed: Italian Horror and the Mezzogiorno Giallo 390
Xavier Mendik
23 Recent Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema 406
Jay McRoy
24 South Korean Horror Cinema 423
Daniel Martin
25 Sisterhood of Terror: The Monstrous Feminine of Southeast Asian Horror Cinema 442
Andrew Hock Soon Ng
Part V Selected Archetypes, Hybrids, and Crossovers 461
26 Vampires and Transnational Horror 463
Dale Hudson
27 Trash Horror and the Cult of the Bad Film 483
I. Q. Hunter
28 "Moody Three:" Revisiting Ken Russell's The Devils 501
Joan Hawkins
29 Horror's Otherness and Ethnographic Surrealism: The Case of The Shout 519
Adam Lownstein
30 The Documentary Impulse and Reel/Real Horror 536
Caroline Joan S. Picart