Dok ima života, ima i nade.
Tako bar kažu. Pa, dobro. Evo čemu se imamo nadati od horora i hororoidnosti
koje bi trebalo da postanu dostupne našem gledanju tokom ove godine.
Namerno sam ovom prilikom
malo proširio granice toga šta sam uvrstio u izbor, jer iz opisa i najava nije
uvek moguće precizno odrediti koliko će „mračno“ i „zlokobno“ određena storija
biti ekranizovana, pa zato u donjim naslovima sasvim sigurno ima i filmova koji
su možda više SF, ili triler, ili nekakvo neodredivo arty ludilo nego što su
čisti horori – ali, tim bolje!
Na ovom blogu se ionako ne
forsira žanrovska ortodoksija, i ne očekujte da na ovoj listi vidite nove
nastavke KONJURINGA, VIDŽA TABLE, ANABELE, PETKA 13-OG i ne znam ni ja kojeg
više rimejka i reimadžininga. Stavio sam samo nekolicinu –vrlo malo- od te generičke,
holivudske sorte, malo iz zezanja (Tom Kruz protiv Mumije!), malo iz krhke nade
da ne-znam-više-koji-nastavak možda bude gledljiv (novi Čaki)... Ali, naglasak
je na onome što lično preferiram i na blogu promovišem – a to su manje znani,
nekonvencionalni, žanrovski i estetski smeli, originalni, granico-probojni
Opise sam nalazio sam širom
neta, na najrazličitijim mestima, i editovao ih po svojoj ćudi (skraćivo,
kombinovao, popravljao...), da budu što koncizniji i precizniji, sa naglaskom
na najbitnijim detaljima zapleta i ekipe (ko režira, ko glumi). Oni su uglavnom
praćeni mojim kratkim komentarima, tamo gde sam imao potrebu nešto da dodam ili
Poređani su otprilike po
visini očekivanja – od onih od kojih očekujem prilično mnogo, do onih od kojih
ne očekujem skoro ništa sem da se mogu pogledati do kraja, bez gašenja.
---već viđeno---
Director: Julia Ducournau
With Raw, French director Julia
Ducournau hasn't just made one of the best horror films of the year to
come, she's also managed to make its best coming-of-age movie, too. Young
Justine (Garance Marillier) is a first-year veterinary-school student
following in the footsteps of the rest of her family. Unfortunately, despite
being raised as a strict vegetarian, she soon realizes that she’s got a taste
for flesh — all kinds of flesh.
Mudri koji su se zatekli u Beogradu u vreme Autorskog
festivala jesenas ovaj divan film već su overili, a oni koji nisu, za sada
imaju moj rivju,
i da čekaju da procuri na net. U Americi kreće 10. marta.
Madame Hyde
Director: Serge Bozon
Isabelle Huppert, José Garcia, Romain Duris
About an an eccentric
teacher who is despised by her colleagues and her students. One stormy night,
she is struck by lightning and faints. When she comes to, she feels completely
different… but will Mrs. Géquil be able to control the powerful and dangerous Mrs. Hyde who also now lives inside her?
Najbolja živa glumica i dobitnica Zlatnog Ghoula,
Izabel Iper, igra Džekil-Hajd gospu? KUPLJENO!
The Void
Directors: Jeremy Gillespie
& Steven Kostanski
In the middle of a routine
patrol, officer Daniel Carter happens upon a blood-soaked figure limping down a
deserted stretch of road. He rushes the young man to a nearby rural hospital staffed by a skeleton
crew, only to discover that patients and
personnel are transforming into something inhuman. As the horror
intensifies, Carter leads the other survivors on a hellish voyage into the subterranean depths of the hospital in a
desperate bid to end the nightmare before it's too late.
Iako sam oprezan zbog minulog rada tvoraca ovoga, ipak
rivjui, trejler i opisi deluju više nego primamljivo; uz malo sreće, možda
dobaci čak do 3+
A Cure for Wellness
Director: Gore Verbinski
An ambitious young
executive (Dane DeHaan) is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic
but mysterious "wellness
center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that
the spa's miraculous treatments are
not what they seem.
Krvavi Verbinski (RINGmejk, PIRATI KARIBA…) radi weird
triler-horor – trejler deluje obećavajuće! Može biti lepa trojka od ovoga.
The Killing Of A Sacred Deer
Director: Yorgos Lanthimos (Očnjak)
Cast: Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Alicia Silverstone
A surgeon takes a young boy under his wing, only for the boy to turn out to be more sinister than he imagined.
Director: Yorgos Lanthimos (Očnjak)
Cast: Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Alicia Silverstone
A surgeon takes a young boy under his wing, only for the boy to turn out to be more sinister than he imagined.
Ludi Jorgos i do sada je često obigravao oko mrakova
skoro hororičnih – krajnje je vreme da malo dublje zaroni u tu teritoriju.
Naravno, ovo će biti arty „triler“ a ne klasični horor (valjda!), ali tek treba
videti u čemu se sastoji „sinister“ misterija vezana za tog dečaka...
Alien: Covenant

Director: Ridley Scott (Alien)
Cast: Katherine Waterston, Michael Fassbender
The crew of the spaceship the Covenant discover a world that might be a paradise, but its sole inhabitant, android David, the only survivor of the doomed Prometheus mission, has a dire warning for them.
A second chapter in
an Alien prequel trilogy.
Dekica Skot nas je debelo razočarao svojim Promotejom,
pa zato s velikim oprezom ali i nešto nade očekujem ovaj film za koji je
naglašeno da će biti čisti horor a ne debilna SF denikenovština: deda je u
komodu ostavio svoje velike „ideje“ i rešio da proba opet da nas plaši, kao
nekad. Ima li u starcu udarca? Sumnjam, ali ovo ću ipak gledati prvog dana kad
dođe u bioskop, u najranijem mogućem terminu!
Director: Luca Guadagnino
Chloe Grace
Dakota Johnson, Tilda Swinton, Mia
A ballet dancer discovers
that her Berlin dance school is a cover for something much more sinister. A remake
of Dario Argento’s Suspiria
(1977). Set in Berlin.
Reditelj solidne arty drame A BIGGER SPLASH uzeo na
sebe da rimejkuje nerimejkljiv, unikatan, duboko autorski film? Da vidimo i to
čudo! Samo da ne bude „in name only“ jadnost, poput THE WOODS, ili film za
fusnote i studije, tipa Van Santovog PSIHA.
Strolling Invader
(that title might not
Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
The film concerns Narumi
(Masami Nagasawa), who is experiencing difficulties in her marriage with Shinji
(Ryuhei Matsuda). But when he
disappears and suddenly returns, his entire demeanor has changed and soon
reveals he is an alien involved in a
mission to invade Earth. At the same time, a family is murdered, leading an investigator (Hiroki Hasegawa)
into the fold.
Kijoši + vanzemaljci + ubistva celih familija? Zvuči
kao recept za dobru zabavu!
Director: Bong Joon-Ho (Snowpiercer)
Cast: Ahn Seo-hyun, Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal
A young Korean girl travels the world trying to protect her best friend, a giant creature called Okja, from a malevolent corporation. Something somewhere between The Host and E.T.
Director: Bong Joon-Ho (Snowpiercer)
Cast: Ahn Seo-hyun, Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal
A young Korean girl travels the world trying to protect her best friend, a giant creature called Okja, from a malevolent corporation. Something somewhere between The Host and E.T.
Ovo će, izgleda, više da naginje benevolentnom monster
muviju, ali – ko zna? Možda bude i nešto mračnije, godzilasto ili čak i hostično?

Director: Alex Garland (Ex Machina)
Cast: Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh
Four women, the Biologist (Natalie Portman), the Psychologist (Jennifer Jason Leigh), the Surveyor, and the Anthropologist, venture into an environmental disaster zone known as Area X and begin to make some haunting discoveries. Adaptation of a book by Jeff VanderMeer.
Rađeno prema SF-horor-weird romanu istaknutog
Lavkraftomrsca i umišljenog, arogantnog skota, ali – premisa je zabavna, treba očekivati biljo-životinjsko-ljudske kreature, mutante i čuda, plus
Garland je tu...
Safe Neighborhood
Director: Chris Peckover
Cast: Virginia Madsen (Candyman), Olivia DeJonge (The
Virginia Madsen leads this colorful home-invasion-with-a-twist,
which is best viewed knowing as little as possible about the premise.
Spoiler-free, Safe Neighborhood takes place in silent suburbia, when
a lone babysitter is forced to
protect a young boy from an unconventional
home invasion. Expect fireworks.
Best described as Home Alone meets Michael Haneke’s Funny Games, the sadistic horror comedy Safe
Neighborhood is the kind of film that’s tough to categorize but easy to enjoy, especially if you like
watching teenagers do some very twisted
things for the holiday season.
Medsenovu obožavam (njena uloga u Kendimenu je
jedna od deset, ako ne i pet, najboljih ženskih performansi u hororu svih
vremena) a zaplet zvuči intrigantno. Istina, Virdžinija ovde ima epizodnu
ulogu, ali sve kritike ovog filma zvuče vrlo napaljujuće.
A Dark Song
Director: Liam Gavin
Cast: Steve Oram, Catherine
This small Irish
film premiered at Fantastic Fest 2016 where it was incredibly well
received, and it sounds like an eerie,
disturbing foray into the horror of the occult.
The film follows Sophia, a young woman who insists
on renting an old house in the remote countryside so that she can hire
an occultist. She needs him to
perform an ancient invocation ritual,
the Abramelin, to summon up Sophia’s Guardian
Angel so her wish can be granted - to
talk to her murdered child.
The ritual is an extremely arduous one. They are to
seal themselves in the house for months as it plays out. As they get deeper
into the rite they run the risk of turning on each other, of going mad. But
when Solomon finds out that Sophia has not been truthful about her wish, a greater danger threatens them. In the
dark, they find that they are no longer
alone in the house. They are now in the world of real angels, and real demons.
The less known before going
into this movie the better, so we won’t disclose any more details here, but the
ritual itself sounds incredibly freaky.
(A martfüi rém, 2016)
Director: Árpád Sopsits
Smešten u ruralni deo
Mađarske šezdesetih godina prošlog veka, govori o seriji svirepih ubistava mladih devojaka i mladiću koji je pogrešno
optužen kao počinitelj. Istovremeno pratimo odlučnog detektiva koji postaje
opsednut slučajem. Film Árpáda Sopsitsa tek je naizgled običan psihološki triler o serijskom ubici.
Iako poseduje sve klasične žanrovske karakteristike, od proseka ga odvaja besprekorna kamera Gabora
Szaboe koji nokturalnim tonovima izuzetno dojmljivo pridonosi mračnom ugođaju filma, odlična
rekonstrukcija vremena i mesta radnje te efektan prikaz društvenih prilika i
situacija socijalističke Mađarske. Baziran na istinitoj priči.
Mađarski psiho-horor? Yes, please! Ta
suicidalno-mizantropsko-bezdušna nacija morala je do sada da dâ daleko veći
doprinos filmskom hororu!
Director: Paul Hyett (The Seasoning House)
Cast: Michael
Ironside, Clare Higgins
The Witch and A
Field in England showed that there is still a great audience for period horror, and Paul Hyett is
dishing up some good old evil nun action
with Heretiks. A young woman is rescued from execution, but
encounters something far more terrifying in the depths of a 17th century convent.
Zlokobni samostan u 17. veku + najbolja Zla Maćeha
ikada – Kler Higins iz Helrejzera kao Glavna Mama Na Opatice?! DA, DA, DA!
Director: Erik Matti
priests assailed by inner demons fall under the spell of a mysterious child healer in veteran Filipino genre director Erik Matti’s skillful reworking of the Omen conceit, in the elegant, nostalgic style reminiscent of
Spanish horror films like The Devil’s
Backbone. Like that film, Seclusion features a war-torn backdrop that serves as a bleak allegory on blind faith
and the lure of false gods in a land overrun by fascism. By setting the
yarn in 1947, the screenplay summons a bygone era when piety and superstition were equally prevalent.
Four deacons are
sent to a monastery in the provinces for their obligatory seven-day retreat
shortly before being ordained in the priesthood. They are warned by the bishop
that this is the time when they are most vulnerable to temptations of the devil. Before long, the confined space and
solitude start to play tricks on the novices’ minds. Matti whets one’s
appetite with flashes of ghoulish
visions but makes them ambiguous enough to be mere hallucinations.
Director: Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Domhnall Gleeson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Harris
A young couple receive some uninvited guests in their home.
Director: Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Domhnall Gleeson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Harris
A young couple receive some uninvited guests in their home.
Aronovski radi kućnu invaziju? Hm, tu mora biti neki
zanimljiv engl ili tvist...
Director: Andrés Muschietti
Cast: tamo neka deca (među
njima jedan klinac iz STRANGER
A group of small-town Maine
schoolchildren, the Losers' Club, fighting an ancient, shape-shifting evil that
terrorizes the town of Derry every 27ish years. They return to Derry as adults
for a rematch.
Opšteobožavani Kingov roman meni je oduvek bio bezveze
(detinjast, nestrašan i napadno plitak). Opšteobožavana TV serijica po njemu
bila mi je mlaka i nikakva (osim Tima Karija u naslovnoj ulozi). Od ovoga sam
imao izvesna očekivanja dok je Cary Fukunaga bio u igri kao reditelj. Sad,
kad su, kako izgleda, krenuli rutinersko-odradek rutom, i ovoga najurili zbog
„kreativnih neslaganja“, moja očekivanja su splasnula. Pazi samo: reditelj govnaste
scenarista negledane ali opštepopljuvane ANABELE... Jedino što obećava jeste to
što film slika Čanvuk Parkov stalni dir. fotografije, Chung-hoon Chung, pa
možemo očekivati bombonicu za oko. Ali teško da ćemo dobiti mnogo više od toga.
Director: Can Evrenol (Baskin)
The first English-language feature from Turkish director Can Evrenol. The new movie will continue to explore the themes of his previous work — sexuality, family, social claustrophobia, and nightmares — except this time, there will be a female lead, a woman who starts to lose her grasp on reality 20 years after her mom killed her sister and father. If Baskin was his John Carpenter homage, Evrenol says, Housewife will be a nod to Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci.
The first English-language feature from Turkish director Can Evrenol. The new movie will continue to explore the themes of his previous work — sexuality, family, social claustrophobia, and nightmares — except this time, there will be a female lead, a woman who starts to lose her grasp on reality 20 years after her mom killed her sister and father. If Baskin was his John Carpenter homage, Evrenol says, Housewife will be a nod to Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci.
It Comes At Night
Director: Trey Edward Shults (Krisha)
Cast: Joel Edgerton, Riley Keough
A father must protect his family from a mysterious presence terrorizing them in their home.
Director: Trey Edward Shults (Krisha)
Cast: Joel Edgerton, Riley Keough
A father must protect his family from a mysterious presence terrorizing them in their home.
The Dark Tower

Director: Nikolaj Arcel (A Royal Affair)
Cast: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey
An 11-year-old boy is transported to a dimension called Mid-World, where he aids gunslinging knight Roland on a quest to the titular dark tower as they’re pursued by a malevolent sorcerer.
Nikad nisam otkidao na ovu Kingovu franšizu: prva KULA
(u formi zbirke povezanih priča) mi je bila OK, ali već drugu sam besno bacio o
zid kad je ono neko bezveznjačko čudo iz čista mira izgmizalo iz bare i
odgrizlo revolverašu dva prsta, i nikad me više nije ni zanimalo da mu pratim
dalje „avanture“ u ovoj fantazi sapunici. Ipak, film bi mogao biti gledljiv
(kilava trojka kao maksimum, verovatno). Uostalom, dobitnik Zlatnog Ghoula,
Mekonahej, igra negativca!
Get Out
Director: Jordan Peele
Jordan Peele makes his directorial debut with this horror film about a black man meeting his white girlfriend’s parents for the first time at their country home. It’s all very awkward but well-intentioned — until the boyfriend starts recognizing the other people on the property and realizes they're all missing persons. Comedian Jordan Peele's race-based horror movie combines genuine thrills with a no-holds-barred critique of black-white relations.
Jordan Peele makes his directorial debut with this horror film about a black man meeting his white girlfriend’s parents for the first time at their country home. It’s all very awkward but well-intentioned — until the boyfriend starts recognizing the other people on the property and realizes they're all missing persons. Comedian Jordan Peele's race-based horror movie combines genuine thrills with a no-holds-barred critique of black-white relations.
Guess Who’s
Coming to Dinner meets The Stepford Wives. But
it’s the fact that Peele doesn’t pull a single one of his punches that makes
his Blumhouse-backed debut a must-see event.
Crna komedija (pun intended)! Samo izvol'te!
Killing Ground
Director: Damien Power
Camping is once again very bad for your health in Damien Power's outwardly familiar but harrowing thriller. In the movies, it’s almost invariably a terrible, if not downright fatal, decision to go camping — as we have learned over and over in films like The Hills Have Eyes and Blair Witch, to name just a couple. But Tasmania-born Damien Power’s impressive first feature, Killing Ground, transcends the cliches even as the film uses plenty of familiar tropes, laying down a solid hour of effective buildup to a duly hair-raising, prolonged climax.
Camping is once again very bad for your health in Damien Power's outwardly familiar but harrowing thriller. In the movies, it’s almost invariably a terrible, if not downright fatal, decision to go camping — as we have learned over and over in films like The Hills Have Eyes and Blair Witch, to name just a couple. But Tasmania-born Damien Power’s impressive first feature, Killing Ground, transcends the cliches even as the film uses plenty of familiar tropes, laying down a solid hour of effective buildup to a duly hair-raising, prolonged climax.
Director: Alexandre O.
A hypnotic film-geek doc
about the 'Psycho' shower scene digs
deep into the mystique of the Hitchcock film that shook the world.
More than anything, though,
78/52 is a movie
about watching Psycho. It features a galvanizing litany of
insights and fan theories from the likes of Guillermo del Toro, Bret Easton Ellis, Jamie Lee Curtis, Eli Roth, Peter
Bogdanovich, Karyn Kusama, Walter
Murch, Danny Elfman, and Elijah Wood, plus a smattering of academics and film historians.
Ceo film o jednom minutu koji je promenio moderni
horor! Bring it ON!
The Belko Experiment
Director: Greg McLean (Wolf Creek)
Are you ready for an adult Hunger Games? Or maybe Office Space meets Battle Royale? Belko finds a group of happy-go-lucky office workers whose day takes a turn for the horrible when their whole building locks down and a dispassionate voice comes over the intercom demanding that they murder each other. (As usual, everyone's got secret chips in their heads that will kill them if they don't.) This looks like one for the gore hounds.
Are you ready for an adult Hunger Games? Or maybe Office Space meets Battle Royale? Belko finds a group of happy-go-lucky office workers whose day takes a turn for the horrible when their whole building locks down and a dispassionate voice comes over the intercom demanding that they murder each other. (As usual, everyone's got secret chips in their heads that will kill them if they don't.) This looks like one for the gore hounds.
MekLin je radio svašta u zadnje vreme, ponešto
doslovno negledljivo, pa s oprezom pristupam i ovom umereno obećavajućem filmu.
Director: Cory Finley
Cast: Olivia Cooke (Me and
Earl and the Dying Girl), Anya
Taylor-Joy (The Witch), Anton Yelchin.
About a pair of teenage
girls who, in the process of rebuilding their estranged friendship, discover an
affinity for killing. Being a
teenager can be a horror show on its own, and being a teenage girl entangled in
toxic friendship
with another teenage girl is truly one of society’s great natural
terrors. Taylor-Joy and Cooke both have the stuff to play some seriously weird
disaffected youths, and if their chemistry pops, this could be a wonderfully
weird emotional journey — with murder!
Berlin Syndrome
Director: Cate Shortland
Australian thriller. Teresa Palmer, coming off an excellent lead performance in the summer surprise Lights Out, stars in this movie about a woman who has a one-night stand with an alluring man and wakes up to find she’s been locked in his apartment.
Australian thriller. Teresa Palmer, coming off an excellent lead performance in the summer surprise Lights Out, stars in this movie about a woman who has a one-night stand with an alluring man and wakes up to find she’s been locked in his apartment.
Shortland’s intensely elegant claustrophobic thriller, the ugly subversion
of seductive exteriors is built into the film’s very narrative, as a heady,
sexy holiday hook-up turns overnight into an abusive abduction — cuing a nightmarish
game of sexual control and captivity, in which toxic masculinity calls the shots.
The Mimic
Director: Huh Jung (Hide
and Seek, 2013)
Cast: Yum Jung-ah (A
Tale of Two Sisters, 2003), Park Hyuk-kwon (Secret Reunion, 2010)
A story of the Jangsan Tiger, who mimics human voices
to lure them close, and a family
affected by the creature.
Plot details are scant, but
director Huh Jung impressed with his debut Hide and Seek and adding
in a mystical element here could
bend well with his style.
RV: Resurrected Victims
Director: Kwak
Kyung-taek (Friend, 2001)
Cast: Kim Rae-won
(Gangnam Blues), Kim Hae-sook (The Thieves, 2012)
Seven years ago, a man saw
his mother die in front of him. She returns as an RV (Resurrected Victims), coming back to avenge her unpunished murderer. For her, that means she’s after her own son.
Director: Lee Soo-young (The
Uninvited, 2003)
A tale of a bankrupt doctor who becomes involved in
a case of series murders when a
woman's dismembered body is found in
a thawing river.
The Bye Bye Man
Director: Stacy Title
The Conjuring meets a Final Destination sequel in this okay
chiller about a spirit who's harmless until
you say his name. In a rural area just outside Madison, three students at
the University of Wisconsin — tall sexy geek Elliot (Douglas Smith), his come-hither girlfriend Sasha (Cressida Bonas),
and his smooth jock BFF John (Lucien Laviscount) — arrange to room together
off-campus in a rundown old mansion
with rooms as big as barns. There is, of course, a spectral demon-monster on hand. As it turns out, though, he’s more
like the film’s guiding spirit. He’s called the Bye Bye Man, and if you say his
name out loud, even once, then — boom! — you’re doomed. He will enter your soul and turn you into a killer.
Also with: Doug Jones, Faye Dunaway, Carrie-Anne Moss
From a House on Willow Street
Director: Alastair Orr
After a young woman is
kidnapped, her captors soon come to realize that in fact they may be the ones
in danger and this young woman has a dark secret inside her.
Viđali smo već ovakav zaplet, ali trejler obećava
lepo-izgledajući, dinamičan i nadahnut film.
Without Name
Director: Lorcan Finnegan
It’s a non-specific kind of a place, says a local of a mysterious Irish forest in Lorcan
Finnegan’s debut feature Without Name, but he may as well be talking about the
film itself, an eco-horror curiosity
that defies not only genre expectations, but any discernible sense of purpose,
too. Through a beguiling combination of chiaroscuro lighting, optical trickery,
and a busy soundscape, Finnegan and his skilled technicians turn the woods into a verdant hell of
swaying trees and sinking soil. But potent atmospherics alone are not enough to
animate this green menace, which aspires to reflect the fraying psyche of a
middle-aged land surveyor, but fails to suggest a complex and turbulent inner
life. Finnegan strikes a match under wet leaves, resulting in a slow-burn thriller.
Šumski horor? Pakao se kaže šuma? Super, to je moj
fetiš: bring it ON!
Jeepers Creepers 3
Director: Victor
Cast: Gina
Philips, Jonathan Breck
The plotline focuses on
original Jeepers Creepers character Trish. She desperately tries to
prevent her son meeting the same fate as her brother, and sets out to stop The
Creeper once and for all.
Trish Jenner is now a
mother of a teenage son named Darry,
named after the brother she lost 23 years ago. Trish has a recurring nightmare where her son suffers the same fate as her
brother did, killed by the Creeper.
Trisha's son borrows one of her cars to drive
across countryside to meet up with his girlfriend. She lives out in the
country. When Trisha learns her son is driving
alone out in the country whilst the creeper is out there, she decides to
come with Tubbs and the task force on their hunt for the creeper and find it
before it finds her son.
u opasnosti od Prljavog Starca (Kripera) – zvuči kao vintage Salva!
Death Note
Director: Adam
Wingard (Veštica iz Blera)
with Willem Dafoe
A student who discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him
to kill anyone begins a crusade
against evil in order to rule the world as a benevolent human god. Then a deadly game of cat and mouse begins
when a reclusive detective begins to track down the young man, attempting to
end his reign of terror once and for all.
Prema mangi koju je nedavno objavio Darkwood na
srpskom. I prema japanskom filmu koji sam nekada davno započeo, smorio se i
nikad ga završio... Ali, trebalo bi.
Directors: Karyn Kusama (The Invitation),
Roxanne Benjamin, Jovanka Vuckovic and Annie Clark.
Omnibus bez zajedničke teme, stila, ili ičega što bi
ga povezivalo – osim što su sve pričice režirale ŽENE. Wow! Ajde, cure, da
vidimo šta znate! Prvi rivjui nisu baš obećavajući, ali to je samo zbog
viševekovnog izrabljivanja od strane gnusnog patrijarhata: čekajte samo, za
sto, najviše dvesta godina i žene će praviti vrhunske horore isto kao muškarci!
Ne može to odjednom! Jer: tiranija falusa!
Cult of Chucky
Director: Don Mancini
Cast: Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly, Alex Vincent
Confined to an asylum for the criminally insane for
the past four years, Nica Pierce (Fiona Dourif) is erroneously convinced that
she, not Chucky, murdered her entire family. But when her psychiatrist introduces
a new therapeutic "tool" to facilitate his patients' group sessions -
an all-too-familiar "Good Guy" doll with an innocently smiling face -
a string of grisly deaths begins to
plague the asylum, and Nica starts to wonder if maybe she isn't crazy after
all. Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent), Chucky's now-grown-up nemesis from the
original Child's Play, races to Nica's aid. But to save her he'll have to get
past Tiffany (Oscar-nominee Jennifer Tilly), Chucky's long-ago bride, who will
do anything, no matter how deadly or depraved, to help her beloved devil doll.
Director: Jonathan Ford
A mature couple move to rural France only to find their
picturesque retirement shattered by a gang of local thugs. When it becomes
clear that the petty hooliganism is turning deadly, this mild-mannered elderly
couple have no choice but to take their bloody revenge. A vicious, gory
battle of the generations ensues.
Deathgasm Part 2: Goremageddon
Director: Jason Lei Howden
If you loved the gore and
twisted metal of Deathgasm, the sequel has promised to go harder,
better, faster, grosser with ''more gore in the first 10 minutes than the
entire first Deathgasm.''
Prvi je imao veći potencijal nego što je završilo na
ekranu; nadajmo se da će ovaj da izmuze više. I ne samo više krvi...
Director: Diederik Van
Cast: Shay Mitchell, Stana
Shay Mitchell stars as a
disgraced ex-cop and recovering addict who takes a job at the morgue of the hospital in which she got sober. Soon after a mysterious and brutally massacred body
is delivered, she begins to witness terrorizing
and violent murders, leading her to face off against an evil entity.
Varijacija na AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE? Što da ne! Možda
kraj bude manje glup!
He’s Out There
Director: Dennis Iliadis (Hardcore, 2004; The
Last House on the Left, 2009)
Follows a vacationing mother and her daughters as
they fight for survival upon
stumbling into a psychopath’s bizarre
Amityville: The Awakening
Director: Franck Khalfoun (P2, Maniac )
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bella Thorne
Belle, her little sister,
and her comatose twin brother move into a new house with their single mother
Joan in order to save money to help pay for her brother’s expensive healthcare.
But when strange phenomena begin to
occur in the house including the miraculous
recovery of her brother, Belle begins to suspect her Mother isn’t telling
her everything and soon realizes they just moved into the infamous Amityville
Ovo je trebalo da izađe još pre dve godine, pa nije.
Ili mnogo smrdi, ili je mnogo dobro. Ali sa Dž. Dž. Li to ne može biti loše!
Mada, trejler smrducka...
A Storm In The Stars

Director: Haifaa al-Mansour (Wadjda)
Cast: Elle Fanning, Douglas Booth
The story of the love affair between Mary Shelley and Percy Bysse Shelley, and how it inspired her to write the classic Frankenstein. Penned by Australian writer Emma Jensen and Irish playwright Conor McPherson.
Dobro, ovo svakako neće biti horor, i sigurno ne
očekujem novi GOTHIC,
ali pošto se bavi nastankom ključnog gotskog horor romana, svakako vredi
overiti i ovu verziju te slikovite storije.
Written and directed by Alice Lowe
Starring: Alice Lowe, Jo
Lowe plays Ruth, a very pregnant woman with some very
significant emotional baggage. The father of her child is not in the picture.
Alice is awkward, and keeps to herself. Also, she kills the owner of a
rare-pets store within PREVENGE’s first five minutes. From there, Lowe allows
us to get to know Ruth, with all of her anger and possessiveness. She seems
like a sweet, young, pretty mom-to-be, if slightly aloof—but as she becomes
closer to term, we see her grasp on reality start to slip away.
All of this could have
easily fallen into farce or bad slasher-film territory (which might have been
fun, admittedly), but Lowe maintains the severity of Ruth’s condition as the
major turmoil in PREVENGE. Ruth is not
nutty for the sake of our entertainment; rather, she is an unbalanced woman
dealing with profound loss. She is not well, and therefore not a
protagonist to laugh at—though Ruth’s curt dialogue and seduction of a truly
terrible DJ are ripe territory for laughs at times.
Premisa – o bebi koja trudnjači komaduje da ubija –
mogla bi da se odlično upotrebi, ali trejler mi ne baš ne obećava da je to ovde
slučaj. Ipak, pisala i režirala ko-kreatorka vrlo dobrog SIGHTSEERS.
Maniac Cop
Director: John Hyams
Follows a murderous cop who
returns from the dead to patrol the New York City streets and kill those who
turn to him for help.
Original director William Lustig is co-producing
with Nicolas Winding Refn.
Comic book hero Ed Brubaker has
penned the script, so expect a slick-yet-gritty movie that'll tickle
your noir side.
Director: Mitchell
Lichtenstein (Teeth)
Cast: Jena Malone
A period horror piece. Constance experiences bizarre, supernatural events after the birth of her child. A Victorian marriage is destroyed by gender divisions and attitudes towards female sexuality. Some shockingly phallic nightmares that threaten both
her, and her daughter's life. Visually, Angelica is a sumptuous phantasmagoria of extravagant
period details and costume design. Sadly, the tone is diluted by the
erroneous presence of some shoddy CGI.
Superficially a Victorian ghost story that draws its influences form classic
Gothic literature, the psychosexual themes of the film remain pertinent to this
day, yet amongst all the snickering and giggling evoked by the overzealous employment of melodrama and
the frankly ridiculous manifestations
Constance's repression takes, the message gets lost amongst the farce.
Also boasts a crew of two-time Academy Award®
nominee cinematographer Dick Pope (Mr.
Turner and The Illusionist), Academy Award® nominee costume
designer Rita Ryack (Casino, Apollo 13) and Academy Award®
winning production designer Luciana Arrighi (Howard’S End). Two-time
César winner Zbigniew Preisner composed the score.
Personal Shopper
Director: Olivier Assayas
Cast: Kristen Stewart
Maureen is a young American
in Paris making her living as a personal shopper for a celebrity. Also, she may
have the psychic ability to communicate
with spirits, just like her twin brother, Lewis, who recently passed away.
Maureen soon starts receiving mysterious
messages coming from an unknown source.
Ni ovo nije zaista horor, ali bavi se duhovima i ima i
nekih navodno jezivih scena; ipak, ne očekujte klasičan horor. Kritike su
kontroverzne, može biti smor, ali ko zna?
The Mummy
Director: Alex Kurtzman
Cast: Tom Cruise, Sofia
Boutella, Russell Crowe (as Dr.
Henry Jekyll!)
An ancient princess is
awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown
over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension.
Ovo smrdi po gnjusobi posle koje ćemo od blata praviti
Somersovu bljuzgextravaganciju sa Brendonom iz džungle. Ali, mumiji su
promenili pol, bacili grdne milione na to, ubacili u čorbu i dr Džekila (jer to
je sad moderno – trpaj sve što ti padne na pamet!) pa 'ajd da vidimo...
Director: Niels Arden Oplev
Cast: Diego Luna, Nina
Dobrev (Vampire Diaries) and Ellen
Page (Hard Candy)
Medical students discover
how to journey into the afterworld
and then resurrect themselves — but,
as often happens when anyone attempts to
cheat death, things begin to go amiss – with disastrous consequences.
Rimejk filma koji nisam naročito voleo ni kad je bio
Sky Sharks
Director: Marc Fehse
Cast: Tony
Todd, Barbara Nedeljakova, Lynn
A team of Arctic geologists stumble across an
abandoned laboratory in which the Nazis
developed an incredible and brutal secret weapon during the final months of
WW2. Deep in the ice, they accidentally awake a deadly army of flying zombie sharks ridden by genetically mutated, undead super-humans,
who are unleashed into the skies, wreaking their bloodthirsty revenge on any
aircraft that takes to the air. An elite task force is assembled to take on
this deadly threat and stop the Sky Sharks from conquering the air, but as time
runs out, the task force realises they will have to fight fire with fire, and
the stage is set for the greatest flying super-mutant zombie shark air battle
the world has ever seen...
Ovo će da bude nešto između jedva-podnošljivog Iron
Sky i negledljivog Sharknado. Ipak, zbog tog sumanutog koncepta, daću mu
A Ghost Story
Defying horror movie
conventions in this delicate portrait of
a restless spirit.
Lowery’s film offers an alternative view of the supernatural
— and audiences expecting a straightforward horror movie will be disappointed.
In fact, A Ghost Story could actually be better suited to a museum setting,
where this intermittently effective conceptual
experiment’s patience-testing approach might be most appreciated. Although
audiences don’t have to wait long for the ghost to arrive, the story advertised
by the film’s title proves more elusive.
Sve je jasno – ovo NIJE horor, ali jeste priča o duhu
(i to, po svemu sudeći, dosadna); ipak, pogledati moram, jer to je moj križ.
* * *