Srećan sam i ponosan što je moj dugi esej „Gorka pilula horora: pesimizam kod Lavkrafta i Ligotija“ prisutan u najnovijem broju vrhunskog časopisa VASTARIEN (6. tom, br. 1; leto 2023), u zaista neverovatno bogatom i kvalitetnom sadržaju.
VASTARIEN vol. 6, issue 1, sada je dostupan u pretprodaji. Izlazi iz štampe u naredne dve nedelje.
Korice: Džesi Peper, sa internim ilustracijama Pepera, Karla Lavoa i Karoline Čojnski. Saradnici su Brajan Evenson, S.P. Miskovski, Dejan Ognjanović, Kristi Nogle, Paula D. Eš, Tim Vaggoner i mnogi drugi! Plus, povratak misterioznog dr Rejmonda Tosa!
Evo kako izgleda prva strana mog rada u časopisu.
A evo čega sve ima u njemu.
Vastarien Column: Tenebrous Ramblings
Romana Lockwood
Significant Dreamers of the Twenty-first Century: An Introduction
Christi Nogle
Brian Evenson
Laura Cranehill
We’re All in This Together
S.P. Miskowski
Faithful Friend and Companion
Tim Waggoner
Creed of the Autophage
Baphomet Tripp
Flesh, Porcelain, Steel
Paula D. Ashe
Still There
Cory Farrenkopf
Pamela Durgin
The Customer is Always Lost
Karley Pardue
Decadent Fears in The King in Yellow
Richard Snowden-Leak
The Triumphant Bellow of the Room
Ukata Edwardson
The Voice from Nowhere
Andrew Koury
Echoes of a Former You
Christa Carmen
The Elephant in the Room
Patrick Hurley
Wonky on the Inside
Serena Jayne
Mr. Chester
Simon Lee-Price
It Tastes Like Ghosts
Nadia Shammas
Grandfather’s Coat
Shenoa Carroll-Bradd
The Witch in the Dream House
Dr. Raymond Thoss
Horror’s Bitter Pill: Pessimism in Lovecraft and Ligotti
Dejan Ognjanović
* * *
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