четвртак, 17. јануар 2013.

NAJOČEKIVANIJI HORORI 2013-te (1. deo) – Amerika i Engleska

             Dobro, dosta je bilo priče o razočaranjima i o đubretu iz 2012-te! Da vidimo sad da li je nešto valjano u njoj nastalo, ili barem začeto, što možemo željno iščekivati u ovoj godini.
            Ima li nade za posustali horor žanr? Možemo li se čemu nadati u 2013-oj?
            Izgleda da ima razloga za oprezni optimizam – videćete ovde više nego dovoljno naslova, opisa i involviranih imena zbog kojih se može slutiti da best-of lista za 2013-tu neće bit tako jadna i nikakva kao ona za 2012-tu (coming soon)!
            Naime, već tokom prošle godine su na nekim festivalima bili viđeni vrlo obećavajući horori koje u našim domovima možemo očekivati u ovoj godini. A neke čak i u bioskopima! Plus, stižu neke još nigde viđene premijere.
            Inače, ovo dole je originalna moja kompilacija najboljeg što se moglo sabrati iz raznih internet najava, s tim što sam ja zahvatio širi i dublji opseg nego što ste mogli videti na istaknutim horror sajtovima, na kojima je akcenat na kretenskim produktima i franšizama američkih studija, dok im je minoran uvid u evro-azijska dešavanja, koja mene zanimaju podjednako, ako ne i više od američkih.
            Dakle, da ne bih prepričavao i prevodio, služio sam se tuđim opisima (neki potiču iz Variety rivjua, u manjoj meri sa horror –i drugih filmskih- sajtova). To znači da je ova lista, u ovom obliku i sa ovim izborom, unikatni i samo za CULT OF GHOUL ekskluzivni pregled! UPCUMMING HORROR FLIX!
            Zbog velikog broja filmova, ovaj pregled je podeljen u 3 dela: pre svega, podelio sam filmove na, uslovno, anglo-američke (USA, UK, uz poneki upliv Kanade, Australije i NZ) i na evro-azijske.
            Pošto anglo-američkih ima baš mnogo, njih sam dodatno podelio u dva dela: u prvome (koji sledi dole) nabrojani su oni kojima se već znaju datumi premijere (uglavnom prva polovina godine).
Zatim sledi 2. deo, sa filmovima koji u ovom času još nemaju određen datum premijere.
Najzad, u 3. delu videćemo šta spremaju Španci, Francuzi, Japanci i ostali.

Od ovogodišnjih najočekivanijih čak tri dolaze na FEST, pa da krenem od njih.

            STOKER - Chan-Wook Park
Gotski horor-triler, nešto kao stravičniji rimejk Hičove SENKE SUMNJE. Mračni ujka dolazi u jednu familiju i otpočinje neobičan odnos sa mladom djevom... Igraju Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman i Matthew Goode.

            ANTIVIRAL - Brandon Cronenberg
            Debi film Kronenbergovog sina, Brendona, koji izgleda nastavlja očevim body horror stopama (kad već tatko više neće da se prlja hororom).
Antiviral follows Syd March, an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. Biological communion – for a price. Syd also supplies illegal samples of these viruses to piracy groups, smuggling them from the clinic in his own body. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.

            PASSION - Brian DePalma
            Ovo je rimejk francuskog trilera Love Crime koji me nije naočito oduševio (2+/3-), ali navodno je Palma to bitno menjao i prerađivao. Nadam se, jer inače ostade nam samo goli gimmick i malo auto-referencijalnog fetišizma.
Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace star in a sexually charged thriller set in the advertising world. Passion is a serpentine, gorgeously orchestrated gathering of all of De Palma's pet themes and conceits, a symphony of giddy terror where people perpetually hide behind masks, both literal and figurative, hallucinations are nested in dreams, and images within images become tools of aggression, all set to a remarkable Pino Donaggio score that's one part Max Steiner, two parts Bernard Herrmann, and at least three parts Phil Collins. And naturally it all builds to a towering use of split-screen, a juxtaposition of love and hate, creation and destruction, doublings of things already doubled.
Fans of early De Palma will rejoice in the climactic finale that manages to incorporate nods from multiple classics from the renowned director that include Sisters, Dressed To Kill and Carrie. While fans will appreciate this, viewers unfamiliar with the director's work and style will definitely feel out-of-place, especially when it comes to the enigmatic conclusion of the film. Passion is an impressive film that makes no concessions to the audience. The film's intricate, dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream structure and abstract style, which combines gaudy surrealism with often satirical moments of eroticism, requires a level of audience devotion from De Palma enthusiasts that few contemporary directors are bold enough to demand.

            Znači, ova tri gledamo na FESTU.
            Ovo ostalo – uglavnom torrent!

            MANIAC - Franck Khalfoun 
            Rimejk sleaze klasika, u produkciji i po scenariju Aleksandra Aže, sa njegovim direktorom fotografije, sa odličnim saundtrekom i sa Ilijom Šumićem (Elijah Wood) u naslovnoj ulozi. Deluje više nego primamljivo. Već je krenuo u francuske bioskope, očekujem da DVD rip procuri u prvoj polovini godine.
A shocker of a remake, equal parts stylish and scuzzy, "Maniac" only marginally softens the grindhouse sleaze of William Lustig's 1980 original, still notorious for being the "Taxi Driver" of slashers. With an intense Elijah Wood in the title role of a wigged-out psycho killer who affixes the scalps of his female victims to fly-drawing mannequins, this merciless work of anti-entertainment is arguably admirable for being as disturbingly disgusting as it wants to be.

WARM BODIES - Jonathan Levine
(1 February)
Relativno obećavajuća zombi romansa. Jedino me malo brine PG-13 rejting, i to što kažu da će ljubitelji romantičnih dramica biti srećniji nego fanovi horora...
This film isn’t a horror, thriller, or survival film; it’s a story about love, or the sensation of feeling loved. Jonathan Levine, the director of 50/50, brings an original zombie film showcasing the stereotypes of Romantic Comedies expressed through the hardships of the epidemic we know as an apocalypse. The two main characters are played by the zombified Skins star, Nicholas Hoult, and the always beautiful blonde, Teresa Palmer. Taking place in an early apocalyptic world where zombies and humans are separated by a wall, Warm Bodies arranges a narrator that “exhumes” the humor applied within the heartfelt zombies, and “exhumes” the creativity utilized to create an original film that hasn’t been made before.

EVIL DEAD - Fede Alvarez
(12 April)
Posle odličnog trejlera spreman sam za mogućnost da ovaj rimejk zapravo bude prilično žestok i valjan. Izgleda da je ovaj južnoameričanin doneo malko Amerima zaboravljene žestine i ludila. Sad, trejler jeste obećavajući, ali... setimo se da je i PROMETEJ imao izvanredan trejler, pa na kraju dobismo – ćorak!

            DARK SKIES - Scott Charles Stewart
(February 22) 
Gimik, verovatno glupa priča sa nekoliko dobrih scena strave i (slutim) kretenskim krajem.
As the Barret family's peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them. Focuses on a 6-year-old boy who’s apparently been “marked” by an alien (living among us) for future abduction.  

THE SEVENTH SON - Sergey Bodrov
(October 18) 
Srednji vek, veštice i crna magija! Ruski reditelj! Bring it on!
In a time long past, an evil is about to be unleashed that will reignite the war between the forces of the supernatural and humankind once more. Master Gregory (Jeff Bridges) is a knight who had imprisoned the malevolently powerful witch Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore) centuries ago. But now she has escaped and is seeking vengeance. Summoning her followers of every incarnation, Mother Malkin is preparing to unleash her terrible wrath on an unsuspecting world. Only one thing stands in her way: Master Gregory.

YOU’RE NEXT! - Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett
(August 23)
Directed by Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett, the duo best known for A Horrible Way to Die (2+), V/H/S (3-) and the forthcoming S-VHS. One of the smartest and most terrifying films in years, the film reinvents the genre by putting a fresh twist on home-invasion horror. When a gang of masked, ax-wielding murderers descend upon the Davison family reunion, the hapless victims seem trapped…until an unlikely guest of the family proves to be the most talented killer of all.

(January 25)
Pozeraj za klince, ali možda bude bude lep za oko i odmaranje mozga.
After getting a taste for blood as children, Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have become the ultimate vigilantes, hell bent on retribution. Now, unbeknownst to them, Hansel and Gretel have become the hunted, and must face an evil far greater than witches…their past.

CARRIE - Kimberly Peirce
(March 15)
Rimejk savršenog filma; apsurdno je očekivati da mu bar prismrdi; ali igra zvezda u usponu iz KICK-ASSa, Kloi Morec, pa ćemo joj dati šansu, barem zbog scene tuširanja... Džulijana Mur će (uzalud) pokušati da se takmiči sa Pajper Lori... I mama i ćera su suviše filmski, skoro supermodelski lepe... Budući da originalni film obožavam, biću veoma ljut ako ovo zabrljaju!

MAMA - Andres Muschietti
(January 18)
Samo da ovaj PG-13 bude bolji od DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK! Jedan od problema tih filmova u kojima su deca ugrožena je da to skoro pouzdano znači da neće da stradaju.
Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their mother was murdered. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night. Spanish director Andres Muschietti makes his feature debut with the film, actually expounding on his 2008 short film of the same name. The plot finds Jessica Chastain and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau forced to raise the man's estranged nieces who've been lost in the woods for the past 5 years. The little bastards aren't quite right.

(January 31)
Izvikani omnibus sa 26 (!) epizodica koje potpisuju neki od vodećih mlađih horor reditelja, među njima je i srpska oda celuloidu (piso Dimbo Vojnov, režiro Spaske Srđanović); sigurno će biti bolji od THEATRE BIZARRE.

(April 26)
Javlja mi se da će ovo biti dosad najnadrkanije Zombijevo artsy-fartsy iživljavanje, ali svakako će biti eye candy-ja, u najmanju ruku!
Heidi, a radio station DJ, receives a wooden box containing a record. Heidi listens and the bizarre sounds within the grooves immediately trigger flashbacks of Salem’s violent past. Is Heidi going mad or are the Lords of Salem returning for revenge on modern day Salem? A who's who of horror icons are onboard...from Udo Kier, Dee Wallace, Meg Foster to Camille Keaton, Barbara Crampton and Ken Foree...not to mention Zombie regulars Sid Haig and Sheri Moon.

WORLD WAR Z - Marc Forster
(June 21, 2013) 
Ovo ne obećava ništa naročito dobro, ali ipak je to visokobudžetni spektakl o zombi apokalipsi sa Bredom Pitom – pa naravno da ćemo gledati! Scenario pisao onaj imbecil Lindelof (PROMETEJ), film je obilato presnimavan i dosnimavan i menjan...
A U.N. employee is racing against time and fate, as he travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly Zombie pandemic.

PACIFIC RIM - Guillermo del Toro
(July 12, 2013)  
Mega-monster-movie: the epic-spectacle appears little more than a summer blockbuster of a good time at the movies, but so what? Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi and Charlie Day fighting off legions of gigantic beasts.

(July 19, 2013) 
From the guy who brought us SAW and INSIDIOUS - James Wan is back with the modestly-budgeted horror show THE CONJURING, starring the gorgeous Vera Farmiga and familiar Patrick Wilson. A family encounters spirits living among them in their New England farmhouse.

            ---NASTAVIĆE SE---
            U 2. delu: anglo-američki horori koji u ovom času još nemaju određen datum premijere.

2 коментара:

  1. Da, ove najave deluju uglavnom obećavajuće, posebno ova za PASSION, ali sa druge strane neki od ovih filmova su već popljuvani. Recimo, u jednom rivjuu za novi De Palmin film se kaže: PASSION proves less a comeback for De Palma and more what economists call a 'dead cat bounce.'
    STOKE, PASSION, ANTIVIRAL i dr. prema ovim gore najavama zaista obećavaju, ali se plašim da ne prođemo kao Čarli Šin sa Dikensovim romanom VELIKA OČEKIVANJA u filmu HOT SHOTS:
    Rabinowitz: What are you reading?
    Topper: Great Expectations.
    Rabinowitz: Is it any good?
    Topper: It's not what I'd hoped for.

  2. Ja nisam odusevljen naslovima, najvise me zanimaju Rob Zombie i rimejci Carrie i Evil Dead. Pogledacu i ostale ali ne ocekujem previse, sto je mozda i dobar pristup. Stoker, Passion i The Conjuring su privlacni zbog zenskih uloga, necu propustiti sigurno, dok me Hansel i Grete i Warm bodies ne najmanje ne interesuje. Zapravo, ta dva filma cu i pogledati samo da bih argumentovano mogao da ih napljujem.
