четвртак, 26. јул 2012.

Dejan Ognjanović is SPEAKING OF MONSTERS

             Upravo je iz štampe izašla i u moje ruke došla antologija radova na temu ideje monstruoznog u horor književnosti i na filmu pod naslovom SPEAKING OF MONSTERS: A Teratological Anthology. Priređivači su Caroline Joan S. Picart i John Edgar Browning, izdavač je jedan od najprestižnijih u oblasti stručne literature, Palgrave Macmillan, a izbor autora je doslovni "ko je ko" u oblasti teorije horora. Zastupljeni su pisci i priređivači nekih od najuticajnijih studija o hororu objavljenih poslednjih decenija, kao što su Stephen Prince, Noël Carroll, Ken Gelder, Mark Jancovich, Ian Conrich, Judith Halberstam i Harry Benshoff a predgovor je napisao David J. Skal, autor značajne studije The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror kao i niza drugih dela.
            U ovoj antologiji nalazi se i moj esej pod naslovom Why Is the Tension So High? The Monstrous Feminine in (Post)Modern Slasher Films.
            Moji radovi o hororu već su objavljivani u inostranstvu, na engleskom, u knjigama značajnih priređivača, kao što je Steven Jay Schneider, i kod uglednih izdavača, kao što je British Film Institute (100 European Horror Films). Takođe, odlomci iz moje knjige U BRDIMA, HORORI objavljeni su nedavno na češkom, u filmskom časopisu ILUMINACE...
            Ipak, ovaj rad o HAUTE TENSION smatram svojim najozbiljnijim od svega što sam napisao na engleskom (a i jednim od mojih najboljih uopšte), a prisustvo u ovoj antologiji svakako najvećim inostranim priznanjem do sada.
            Knjiga SPEAKING OF MONSTERS: A Teratological Anthology objavljena je u tvrdom povezu, ima 342 strane, u prodaji je od 20. jula i za sada se može nabaviti po prilično visokoj ceni, karakterističnoj za prestižna akademska izdanja. Recimo, na sajtu Bookdepository košta 62,7 E, a na Amazonu je cena oko 93 $. Direktno kod izdavača cena je 57,5 funti. Postoji mogućnost da će se krajem godine, ili dogodine, pojaviti i izdanje u mekom povezu, po nešto popularnijoj ceni.
Evo kompletnog sadržaja:

Foreword: What We Talk About When We Talk About Monsters - David J. Skal

Introduction: On Monstrosity and Multiculturalism - Caroline Joan ('Kay') S. Picart and John Edgar Browning


Monster Culture (Seven Theses) - Jeffrey Jerome Cohen

Dread, Taboo, and The Thing (1982): Toward a Social Theory of the Horror Film - Stephen Prince

Nightmare and the Horror Film: The Symbolic Biology of Fantastic Beings - Noël Carroll

Our Vampires, Our Neighbors - Ken Gelder

'Psychological Thriller': Dead of Night (1945), British Film Culture, and the 1940s Horror Cycle - Mark Jancovich


Monsters in the Literary Traditions of Asia: A Critical Appraisal - Andrew Hock-Soon Ng

Slayer as Monster in Blood+ (2005-2006) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) - Margaret L. Carter

'Shapeless Deformity': Monstrosity, Visibility, and Racial Masquerade in Thomas Grattan's Cagot's Hut (1823) - Daniel Novak


Apt Pupil (1998): The Hollywood Nazi-As-Monster Flick - Caroline Joan ('Kay') S. Picart and David Frank

Demons Driven: Religious Teratologies - Jason C. Bivins

An Age of Mechanical Destruction: Power Tools and the Monstrous in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Films - Ian Conrich


'Way Too Gay to Be Ignored?': The Production and Reception of Queer Horror Cinema in the Twenty-First Century - Harry Benshoff

Seed of Chucky: Transbiology and the Horror Flick - Judith ('Jack') Halberstam


Stage Four: Virulency - Lonnie H. Athens

Profiling the Terrorist as a Mass Murderer - Caroline Joan ('Kay') S. Picart and Cecil E. Greek

What Makes Stalking Monsters So Monstrous, and How to Survive Them? - Ôrît Kāmîr

Race and Serial Killing in the Media: The Case of Wayne Williams - Caroline Joan ('Kay') S. Picart


''Nature Abhors Normality': Theories of the Monstrous from Aristotle to The X-Files (1993-2002) - Kathleen Long

Monster Spawn of Animal Experimentation in the Early Work of H. G. Wells: On the Containment of Psychopathic Violence as Preliminary to the Onset of the Capacity for Mourning - Laurence A. Rickels

Why Is the Tension So High? The Monstrous Feminine in (Post)Modern Slasher Films - Dejan Ognjanović

Blood and Bitches: Sexual Politics and the Female Lycanthrope in Young Adult Fiction - June Pulliam


The Queer Ethics of Monstrosity
- Patricia MacCormack

Reopening the Question of the Human and the Animal - Dominick LaCapra

Where Reality and Fantasy Meet and Bifurcate: Holocaust Themes in Pan's Labyrinth (2006), X-Men (2000), and V (1983) - Caroline Joan ('Kay') S. Picart, John Edgar Browning, and Carla María Thomas

Na ovom linku možete naći PDF fajl sa kompletnim UVODOM priređivača, kao i sa indeksom imena i pojmova, iz čega će vam biti jasniji koncept knjige i njen sadržaj.

            A evo i nekoliko odlomaka iz recenzija:

"This book is a must-read for students and scholars of teratology, monsters, the fantastic, and the detested other. Spanning a fascinating gulf of disciplines and genres, the authors illustrate just how interconnected we are with the monsters in our midst and the extent to which our understandable desire to define ourselves in opposition to the monstrous both creates and destroys the barriers between the human and the other. This book will change the way you think about crime, victimhood, knowledge, the normal, and our own place in the universe. From Dracula to the Holocaust, from gender to disability, this book challenges our own belief in the possibility of self-knowledge and questions the foundations of our self-defined humanity.'
- Danaya C. Wright, Clarence J. TeSelle Professor of Law, Levin College of Law, University of Florida

"All too often topics are betrayed in their treatment - creativity is discussed unimaginatively, art is approached unartfully or even artlessly, philosophy itself taken up thoughtlessly (at least without sufficiently sustained, probing thoughtfulness). Not so in this instance. Indeed, the category of monstrosity is itself monstrous. It is at once dependent upon traditional distinctions between the normal and a forever shifting array of opposites and in conflict with those historically entrenched dichotomies. The essays in this volume exhibit in detail the monstrous - in the sense of both the frighteningly huge and fiercely unsettling - force of this philosophical category. They do so in reference to a broad spectrum of cultural phenomena. The editors' finely crafted introduction however provides a useful map to this vast terrain.'
- Vincent Colapietro, Liberal Arts Research Professor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University
"This collection of essays offers more than a unique contribution to social theory - it is a comprehensive framework for understanding how humans construct otherness. The work is critical for law since judges, police, and other legal actors repeatedly construct the criminal as monster, which lays the foundation for punishment that knows no bounds, including death. In an age of mass incarceration and fears of terrorism, this work is as timely as it is fascinating."  
- SpearIt, Assistant Professor of Law, Saint Louis University, School of Law

2 коментара:

  1. Анониман26. јул 2012. 23:43

    ghoul vidim da si medju omiljene autore stavio Poppy Z Brite,koja knjiga (ili knjige) od nje je po tebi najbolja ?

  2. zbirka priča WORMWOOD i roman EXQUISITE CORPSE.
