Najzad je stvar i zvanično
obznanjena, pa mogu i ja, ovde, da podelim sa vama detalje o nečem što se,
najblaže i najskromnije rečeno, može nazvati SPEKTAKULARNIM.
Ali prvo kratki UVOD, iz kojeg
je ova veća stvar izrasla.

Pisao sam već ovde na blogu da
sam imao tu čast da učestvujem kao jedan od sagovornika u dokumentarcu WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED: A
Janisse. Ovaj dokumentarni film pokriva podžanr „folk horora“ na filmu (uključujući
TV i kratke filmove), u kinematografijama širom sveta.

Da, najveći naglasak je
na Anglofonom svetu, što je i prirodno, jer tu je taj podžanr dao mnoge od
najvrednijih predstavnika na filmu: ipak, govori se tu i o Japancima,
Nordijcima, Česima, Rusima i… Srbima!

Tu sam upao ja, da kažem koju
o LEPTIRICI, ali i o folk-hororu uopšte, budući da je to žanr koji prilično
volim i poznajem – ali znam ga ne samo kao ljubitelj i proučavalac, nego i kao
stvaralac, budući da moj roman ZAVODNIK
definitivno spada u taj podžanr.

Eto, bila mi je čast da
učestvujem u filmu jedne istaknute autorke, odavno dokazane u svetu horora
(pored ostalog, napisala je izuzetnu, unikatnu knjigu HOUSE OF PSYCHOTIC WOMEN) i da budem jedan od govornika na mestu
gde se, u spektakularnom TROČASOVNOM filmu, oglašava još 50-ak najeminentnijih
stvaralaca i stručnjaka, kao što su Piers Haggard (director, Blood on Satan’s Claw), Lawrence
Gordon Clark (director, A
Ghost Story for Christmas series), Jeremy Dyson
(co-founder, The League of Gentlemen),
Alice Lowe (director, Prevenge),
Robert Eggers (director, The
Witch), Jonathan Rigby (author, American Gothic), Adam Scovell (author, Folk Horror: Hours Dreadful and Things
Strange), Andy Paciorek (founder, Folk Horror Revival), Howard David Ingham
(author, We Don’t Go Back: A
Watcher’s Guide to Folk Horror), Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
(Author, 1000 Women in Horror),
Kat Ellinger (Editor, Diabolique Magazine),
Maisha Wester (Author, African
American Gothic) – a u arhivskim intervjuima tu još govore i Robin
Hardy (director, The Wicker
Man) i Anthony Shaffer (writer, The Wicker Man).

„Severin Films“ će početkom
decembra objaviti neverovatan „box“ pod naslovom ALL THE HAUNTS BE OURS: A
„samo“ okosnica, poveznica, kičma, ali u njemu će na 12 blu-rej diskova (+ 3
CD-a i u jednoj KNJIZI) biti objavljeno 20 folk horor filmova, praćenih brojnim
dodacima (kratki filmovi, video intervjui, itd).
Dobro, baš lepo, ali – gde su
Evo šta i kako!

DISK 3 u ovoj „kutiji“ sadrži
tri klasična horor gotika u režiji Đorđa Kadijevića, koji se po prvi put
predstavljaju Anglofonom svetu. Istina, LEPTIRICA je pre par godina izašla na
blu-reju u Nemačkoj, sa opcijom engleskih titlova; ali to izdanje su, izvan
Nemačke, primetili samo najzagriženiji i najmalobrojniji frikovi Engleske i
Amerike. Ovog puta, LEPTIRICA će im biti ponuđena u okviru pakovanja koje je
apsolutno nemoguće prevideti, ignorisati, ne primetiti. U društvu nekih izuzetnih,
svetski relevatnih filmova. I praćena adekvatnim, ozbiljnim extra materijalima
(kakve švapsko Ghoul-free izdanje nije imalo)!
Evo šta na tom disku ima.
Djordje Kadijevic, Serbia, 1973

65 mins | 1.33:1 | Color | Region Free
Serbian mono with optional English subtitles
HD master from Public Service Media Radio Television of Serbia
Based loosely on Milovan Glišić’s classic 1880 Serbian
vampire story „After Ninety Years“ – which preceded Bram Stoker’s
Dracula by nearly two decades – Djordje Kadijevic’s adaptation is a subversive,
darkly erotic take on Glišić’s pastoral tale of a group of rural villagers
beset upon by the infamous vampire Sava Savanovic, who has taken up residence
in their local flour mill.
Special Features:
Radical Fairy Tales — Interview With Director Djordje
Plus bonus short films newly remastered in HD from archival
film elements at Public Service Media Radio Television of Serbia:
Štićenik (Djordje Kadijevic,1973) (45 mins)
A terrified young man is being pursued by a mysterious man in black. He hides
out in nearby mental hospital, but can he escape his fate?
Diary Of An Inmate (10 mins)
An interview with Štićenik actor Milan
Devičanska Svirka (Djordje Kadijevic,1973) (60 mins)
A man travelling through the countryside is drawn to a strange castle, which is
reputed by the locals to be haunted. There he meets a beguiling young woman who
ensnares him in her world of secrets.
Prisoner Of Song
An interview with Devičanska Svirka actor Goran
Koja je
bila moja uloga u ovome?

rediteljka Kir-La je za LEPTIRICU već znala od ranije, ali kad me je pitala da
joj preporučim još neki srpski (kraći) horor film koji bi mogao da ide uz taj
film na disku, kao dodatak, ja sam joj otkrio Kadijevićeva dva manje znana
horora iz iste godine, ŠTIĆENIKA i DEVIČANSKU SVIRKU. Teško mi je bilo da
odlučim koji od njih da joj preporučim, pa sam joj poslao Jutjub linkove sa
oba. Mislim da su oba imala eng. titlove. Na svu sreću, njoj su se oba toliko
dopala da je promenila plan, i umesto samo jednog, od RTS-a je otkupila oba!

angažovala me je da organizujem i produciram intervjue sa relevantnim
sagovornicima iz sva tri filma. U saradnji sa prijateljem i kolegom, Igorom Stanojevićem (koji je ovde bio
direktor fotografije, a donekle i organizator i još ponešto) uradili smo
intervjue sa Kadijevićem, i sa dvojicom glavnih aktera u druga dva filma, Cacijem Mihajlovićem iz ŠTIĆENIKA i Goranom Sultanovićem iz SVIRKE.

ideja mi je bila da intervjuišemo Oliveru
Katarinu, i uz mnogo muke uspeli smo da dođemo do nje, ali ona je posle
nekog oklevanja i odlaganja na kraju odbila, rekavši da je to što je imala da
kaže – rekla svojom ulogom. Bez uvrede, ali javlja mi se (imam čvrstih razloga
da verujem) da je intervju koji smo dobili od Sultanovića sadržajniji nego što
bi njen bio. Naravno, pitanja sagovornicima u sva tri intervjua sročio sam ja.
Takođe sam odgovoran za njihove prevode na engleski, kao i za adaptaciju i

A ni to nije sve!
diskova i filmova, deo ovog paketa je i bogato ilustrovana knjiga.
Evo kako
je „Severin“ najavljuje i opisuje:

— 126+ Page Book
Curated by Kier-La
Janisse, this beautifully-illustrated book designed by Luke Insect features new
writing by Andy Paciorek, Stephen
Volk, Mitch Horowitz, Dawn Keetley, Sarah Chavez, Stephen R. Bissette and Dejan Ognjanović alongside a
selection of illuminating archival pieces and a breakdown of all the films in
the set.

Moj esej
u ovoj knjizi posvećen je SRPSKIM VAMPIRIMA, odnosno osobenostima koje u našem
narodnom verovanju, prozi i na filmu ima ovo stvorenje, u kontrastu prema
zapadnjačkom poimanju vampira.

me što se ovde u istim koricama nalazim sa ljudima čiji rad poznajem i
poštujem: Paćorek je stara kajla u
svetu folk horora, i za RUE MORGUE sam već (povoljno) prikazao njegovu antologiju
eseja Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies; zatim, tu je Stiven Volk kojega sam za RM već
intervjuisao povodom njegovog scenarija za film GOTHIC, a tu je i Stiven Bizet, o čijoj sam izuzetno
vanredno genijalnoj knjizi THE BROOD (o Kronenbergovom filmu)
takođe pisao hvalospev u RM, a i ovde na blogu sam joj dao Zlatnog Ghoula.

društvo malo, ali odabrano. I u njemu – srpski vampiri, i srpski horori.
Ovo je,
bez ikakve sumnje i konkurencije, najveći i najvažniji prodor i plasman srpskih
horor filmova u svetu, još od programa SUBVERSIVE SERBIA koji sam 2010. priredio (sa Mičom
Dejvisom) na najboljem horor festivalu na svetu, Fantaziji u Montrealu. (Uzgred, i Kir-Lu sam tamo upoznao, i
intervjuisao.) Izveštaje odatle imate i ovde na blogu, 1. deo i 2. deo.

Ali čekajte, ni to nije sve!
najnovijem broju magazina RUE MORGUE inicirao sam kod urednice
ideju da upravo folk horror bude naslovna priča, povodom gorepomenutog
dokumentarca i pratećeg „boxa“. U okviru tog temata nalazi se i moj esej o
SRPSKIM VAMPIRIMA – ali drugačiji od onoga u knjizi ALL THE HAUNTS BE OURS. Dobro, ima nekih neizbežnih preklapanja,
ali ovo je popularnije pisano, i sa drugačijim uglom i akcentom, iako je i tu
LEPTIRICA u okosnici.
SERBIAN VAMPIRES su na korici (i u unutrašnjosti) najboljeg horor magazina na
svetu: u broju 202 za sept-okt (to je duplo veći, obimniji Halloween issue)!
Njegovo štampano izdanje u prodaju kreće 1. septembra, a digitalno možete
kupiti već sada, odmah, ovog časa!

Šta sve
ima u tom broju, piše OVDE – a na istom mestu ga možete i poručiti.
A ni to nije sve!
Uskoro ću vam obznaniti i detalje o američkom izdanju blu-reja sa
filmom DAVITELJ PROTIV DAVITELJA, na kojem je Dr Ghoulstein takođe radio sa
svojim vernim asistentom Igorom… Samo polako.
A šta
sve ima u Severinovom folk horor paketu, osim srpskih horora?
Evo toga
na njihovom sajtu OVDE.
A koga
mrzi da klikće i ide odavde, sve je to preneseno i na ovaj blog.
zvanične najave, kratki Ghoul komentari: 1) izbor filmova je IZUZETAN, i sadrži
neke od mojih omiljenih filmova (npr. DARK WATERS). 2) koliko je odličan izbor
vidi se i po tome što mnoge od ovih filmova nikad nisam ni gledao – za neke sam
znao, ali mi nisu bili dostupni, neke sam imao u nekim šugavim VHS ripovima
koji mi se nisu gledali, a za nekolicinu prvi put čujem! 3) Vanredno poštujem
što se zagazilo poprilično izvan Anglofone sfere, u svet slovenskog i
nordijskog horora, sa izletima do daleke Australije, itd. 4) Sa svim pratećim
dodacima, i sa svim ovim na jednom mestu, ovo je toliko izuzetna stvar da joj
maltene nema parnjaka u svetu horor specijalnih izdanja, i biti deo TOGA zaista
je od velike važnosti.
Deo -
(PRE-ORDER 12/7)
Region Free

This box is limited to 4000 units. Pre-order yours today!
Here’s everything you need to know…
“On December 7th, Severin Films is digging up haunted
soil to unearth a truly unprecedented box set – All the Haunts Be Ours: A
Compendium of Folk Horror. Curated and produced by acclaimed author
HORROR director Kier-La Janisse, this definitive collection – anchored by
Janisse’s award-winning documentary – includes 20 feature films, 3 CDs, a
126-page book, 15+ hours of short films, featurettes and more.
“In addition to the box set, Severin will also offer standalone
editions of both EYES OF FIRE and WOODLANDS DARK

“The most comprehensive collection of its kind begins with
the definitive genre documentary of our time, Kier-La Janisse’s
award-winning WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED. From there, experience 19
of the best-known, least-known, rarely-seen and thought-lost classics of folk
horror from around the world, all restored from the best available vault
elements with Special Features that include short films, audio commentaries and
exclusive featurettes.
“The ultimate genre exploration continues with the
original WOODLANDS soundtrack by Jim Williams and a reading of the
classic short story ‘The White People’ by actress Linda Hayden, as well as a
126-page illustrated book curated by Janisse and designed by Luke Insect
featuring all-new writings by renowned film scholars, authors and historians.”

The most comprehensive collection of its kind begins with
the definitive genre documentary of our time, Kier-La Janisse’s
award-winning WOODLANDS DARK & DAYS BEWITCHED. From there,
experience 19 of the best-known, least-known, rarely-seen and thought-lost
classics of folk horror from around the world, all restored from the
best available vault elements with Special Features that include short
films, audio commentaries and exclusive featurettes. The ultimate genre
exploration continues with the original WOODLANDS soundtrack by Jim
Williams and a reading of the classic short story ‘The White People’ by actress
Linda Hayden, as well as a 126-page illustrated book curated by
Janisse and designed by Luke Insect featuring all-new writings by
renowned film scholars, authors and historians.

Kier-La Janisse, USA, 2021
192 mins | 1.85 | Color | Region Free
English and Portuguese with English subtitles
HD Digital Master
WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED explores the folk horror
phenomenon and its culturally specific manifestations in international horror,
from its first wave in the 1970s to today.
Special Features:
Video Introduction By Writer/Director/Producer Kier-La
Janisse (9 mins)
Animating Folk Horror — A Conversation with Ashley
Thorpe (12 mins)
Animator Ashley Thorpe discusses his processes and inspirations for the
animated sequences he created for the film.
Outtake: What is Folk Horror? (2 mins)
Expanded definitions of folk horror cut from the film’s introductory sequence.
Outtake: Harvest Hymns — The Sounds and Signals of
Folk Horror (22 mins)
Historians and Composers—including Marc Wilkinson, John Cameron, Jim Williams,
Pentagram Home Video and more—weigh in on the sounds of folk horror from trad
to electronica.
Outtake: Terra Assombrada — Expressions of Folk
Horror in Brazil (7 mins)
Filmmaker Dennison Ramalho and Scholars Carlos Primati and Laura Loguercio
Cánepa discuss the impact of Brazilian folk literature and songs on folk
Folk Poetry (5 mins)
recite classic folk poems set to Super 8 footage.

Avery Crounse, USA, 1983
86 mins | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
English Stereo | Closed Captions
4K restoration from the original negative
The seminal American folk horror film, unavailable on home
video for decades, now debuts in a new 4K restoration. A rogue
18th century preacher and his followers make their way downriver to
establish a new settlement beyond the western frontier and encounter a forest
enchanted by strange spirits that will bring an apocalyptic madness upon them.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Colin Dickey, Author of “Ghostland: An
American History In Haunted Places”
The Secret Is In The Trees — “Nightmare USA” Author
Stephen Thrower Interviews Avery Crounse (29 mins)
Crying Blue Sky
Alternate Longer Cut restored in 2K from Director’s personal 35mm answer print
Plus Bonus Short Films:
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (Sam Weiss, USA 1972) (13
Genre icon John Carradine narrates this atmospheric animated adaptation of
Washington Irving’s classic story, newly scanned from 16mm for this release by
educational film archive AV Geeks. Courtesy of Pyramid Films.
Transformations (Barbara Hirschfeld, USA
1972) (8.5 mins)
A fascinating feminist experimental film shot on location in Vermont about a
group of witches performing white magic. Courtesy of the Vermont Archive Movie
Project (VAMP).
Backwoods (Ryan Mackfall, UK 2018) (15 mins)
A scholar drifts from his path and finds himself in a house he takes for
deserted. Based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Picture In The House.” Courtesy of
Myskatonic Films.

Djordje Kadijevic, Serbia, 1973
65 mins | 1.33:1 | Color | Region Free
Serbian mono with optional English subtitles
HD master from Public Service Media Radio Television of Serbia
Based loosely on Milovan Glišić’s classic 1880 Serbian
vampire story After Ninety Years – which preceded Bram Stoker’s
Dracula by nearly two decades – Djordje Kadijevic’s adaptation is a subversive,
darkly erotic take on Glišić’s pastoral tale of a group of rural villagers
beset upon by the infamous vampire Sava Savanovic, who has taken up residence
in their local flour mill.
Special Features:
Radical Fairy Tales — Interview With Director Djordje
Plus bonus short films newly remastered in HD from archival
film elements at Public Service Media Radio Television of Serbia:
Štićenik (Djordje Kadijevic,1973) (45 mins)
A terrified young man is being pursued by a mysterious man in black. He hides
out in nearby mental hospital, but can he escape his fate?
Diary Of An Inmate (10 mins)
An interview with Štićenik actor Milan Mihailovic
Devičanska Svirka (Djordje Kadijevic,1973) (60 mins)
A man travelling through the countryside is drawn to a strange castle, which is
reputed by the locals to be haunted. There he meets a beguiling young woman who
ensnares him in her world of secrets.
Prisoner Of Song
An interview with Devičanska Svirka actor Goran Sultanovic
Otakar Vávra, Czechoslovakia, 1970
107 mins | 2:35:1 | Color | Region Free
Czech mono with optional English subtitles
HD restored master supplied by the Czech Film Center
Otakar Vávra’s film about 17th century witch hunter
Jindřich František Boblig and the horrors he visited on the small village of
Velké Losiny has been called an Eastern European counterpart to Michael Reeves’
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Czech Film Historian And Curator
Irena Kovarova
The Womb Of Woman Is The Gateway To
Hell (22.5 mins)
A filmed appreciation by essayist and critic Kat Ellinger and film historian
Michael Brooke. Courtesy of Second Run Films.
The Projection Booth Podcast (62 mins)
The renowned film podcast’s episode on WITCHHAMMER, with host Mike White and
guest critics Samm Deighan and Rahne Alexander.
Konstantin Ershov, Georgiy Kropachyov, Soviet Union, 1967

76 mins | 1.33:1 | Color | Region Free
Russian mono with optional English subtitles / English mono
HD restored master supplied by Mosfilm
Based on the classic novella by Nikolai Gogol,
VIY remains the height of Soviet fantasy cinema. In 19th century
Russia, a seminary student is forced to spend three nights with the corpse of a
beautiful young witch. But when she rises from the dead to test his faith, it
will summon a nightmare of fear, desire and the ultimate demonic mayhem.
Special Features:
From The Woods To The Cosmos — John Leman Riley On The
History Of Soviet Fantasy And Sci-Fi Film (34 mins)
Plus Bonus Silent Short Films: Satan
Exultant (1917, 20 mins), The Queen of Spades (1916, 16 mins) and The
Portrait (1915, 8 mins)
Kåre Bergstrøm, Norway, 1958
77 mins | 2.40:1 | B/W | Region Free
Norwegian mono with optional English subtitles
Restored in 2K from the original negative
Considered a classic of Norwegian cinema, a group of
colleagues venture to a remote cabin to look for a missing friend and are
spooked by an old legend: that the cabin had belonged to a man who killed his
sister and her lover and then drowned himself in the lake. Since then, it is
said that anyone who stays in the cabin will be driven to the same fate.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Film Historians Jonathan Rigby
And Kevin Lyons
Viðar Víkingsson, Iceland, 1987
57 mins | 1.33:1 | Color | Region Free
Icelandic mono with optional English subtitles
Restored in 2K from the original negative at the Film Museum of Iceland
This made-for-TV film shares the Icelandic lore of the
Tilbury, a creature who could be summoned by women in times of financial
hardship and starvation. But the gifts of the Tilbury come with their own brand
of destruction. Set in 1940, during the British occupation, a country boy
discovers his childhood sweetheart is having an affair with a British soldier,
but suspects it could be one of the evil creatures.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Director Viðar Víkingsson And
Screenwriter Þórarinn Eldjárn, Moderated By Film Scholar Gudrun D. Whitehead
With Enough Tilbury Butter, Anything Is
Good — Interview With Karl Ágúst Úlfsson
A Boy From The Country — Interview With Kristján
Franklin Magnúss
White Spot In The Back Of The Head (Viðar
Víkingsson, 1979) (33 mins)
This early student film from the director of TILBURY transposes the ghostly
Icelandic legend of The Deacon of Dark River to 1970s France.
“The Moon Fades, Death Rides”
Viðar Víkingsson discusses the folkloric origins of White Spot In The Back
Of The Head
Mario Andreacchio, Australia, 1988
90 mins | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
English mono | Closed Captions
Restored in 2K from best surviving 35mm positive print
When a group of Indigenous activists attempt to repatriate
ancestral artifacts found in a cave on Australia’s Kangaroo Island, one of them
is shot evading police and taken to a local hospital. When the patient dies in
her care, the doctor attending to her experiences strange visions relating to
violent events from the past.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Director Mario Andreacchio, Moderated
By Film Historian Jarret Gahan
James Bogle, Australia 1988
88 mins | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
English mono | Closed Captions
Mastered from only surviving broadcast quality video master
Though conceived as a commercial horror film, this tale of
teens being condemned to death in their dreams by an Aboriginal magician as
recompense for a housing development having been built on a sacred burial
ground also serves as an admission of national guilt.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Director James Bogle, Moderated
By Veteran Film Journalist Michael Helms (Fatal Visions)
The Final Girl Of KADAICHA (13 mins)
An audio interview with actress Zoe Carides, conducted by film historian Jarret
Composing KADAICHA (17.5 mins)
An audio interview with composer Peter Westheimer, conducted by film historian
Jarret Gahan.
Behind The Scenes Of KADAICHA (7 mins)
Recently-unearthed footage of director James Bogle and the cast and crew in a
typical day on set.

Ann Turner, Australia, 1989
103 mins | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
English mono | Closed Captions
Restored in 2K from 35mm original negative
In 1950s Australia, after 9-year-old Celia hears the
disturbing fairy tale of “The Hobyahs” in school, it colors her interpretation
of real life conflicts such as her parents’ struggling relationship, the threat
of communism and the country’s plague of rabbits. Ann Turner’s award-winning
film paints a disquieting picture of innocence trying to make sense of the harsh
and complex world around her through escape into dark fantasy.
Special Features:
CELIA And Me (40 mins)
A new interview with director Ann Turner
From Crawfords To CELIA (17 mins)
An interview with veteran editor Ken Sallows
The Rabbit In Australia (24 mins)
This short documentary produced by Australia’s national science agency CSIRO in
1979 traces the introduction of the European rabbit to Australia and subsequent
attempts to control its population, which includes the rabbit cull of the 1950s
that serves as the backdrop for Ann Turner’s CELIA.
Ian Coughlan, Australia, 1981
97 mins | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
English mono | Closed Captions
Restored in 2K from 16mm CRI
Getting its first official release since the VHS era, this
Australian paranormal cult is unearthed! During a Ouija board session with her
teenaged friends, 16-year-old Alison gets a message from beyond the grave not
to go home for her 19th birthday. Fast forward three years later to the
week of her 19th: she gets a call from her mother that they’re having a party
to celebrate and they want her there… alone.
Special Features:
Extended Interviews From NOT QUITE HOLLYWOOD With
Producer David Hannay And Cast Members Joanne Samuel And Belinda Giblin
The Devil Down Under — Satanic Panic In Australia
From Rosaleen Norton To ALISON’S BIRTHDAY
A new video essay narrated by film scholar Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, based on
her chapter of the same name from the book “Satanic Panic: Pop-Cultural
Paranoia in the 1980s.”
Marek Piestrak, Poland, 1983
103 mins | 1.33:1 | Color | Region Free
Polish mono with optional English subtitles
Restored in HD from original negative by WFDIF in Warsaw
A domestic hit in Poland on first release, Marek Piestrak’s
stunning wintry werewolf film is a sexually-charged folktale that pits a
19th century Polish patriot against the ghost of his unfaithful wife, who
haunts him from beyond the grave as a she-wolf.
Special Features:
Unleashing The She-Wolf — An Interview With
Director Marek Piestrak
Janusz Majewski, Poland, 1970
100 mins | 1:66:1 | Color | Region Free
Polish mono with optional English subtitles
Restored in HD from original negative by WFDIF in Warsaw
A pastor and ethnographer visits a remote corner of
19th century Lithuania where folk customs associated with the area’s pagan
past still have a hold on the population. There he finds himself the guest of a
strange old family consisting of a sadistic Count and his mad mother,
who—legend has it—was raped by a bear on her wedding night; the Count himself
reputed to be the product of this bestial assault.
Special Features:
Wild Country Of The Were-Bear — An Interview With
Director Janusz Majewski
Ryszard Bugajski, Canada, 1991
98 mins | 2.35:1 | Color | Region Free
English 5.1 / English 2.0 | Closed Captions
Restored in 4K from 35mm answer print
A white lawyer arrives to a remote area in Northern Ontario
to defend Indigenous activists who are blocking a logging company’s clearcut of
old growth on their land. A pacifist by nature, and perceiving himself as
sympathetic to Indigenous concerns, he finds his values shaken when he is
paired with an angry, rogue Indigenous activist named Arthur (Graham Greene)
who insists on kidnapping the head of the logging company to take him deep into
the forest—where he hopes to teach him the price of his destruction.
Special Features:
Archival Video Introduction By Director Ryszard Bugajski
Courtesy of Maria Mamona
Audio Commentary With Scholar And Anthropologist
Shaawano Chad Uran (White Earth Anishinaabe)
Plus Bonus Short films:
The Ballad Of Crowfoot (Willie Dunn, 1968) (10 mins)
Often referred to as Canada’s first music video, Mi’kmaq/Scottish folk singer
and activist Willie Dunn’s The Ballad Of Crowfoot is a powerful look
at colonial betrayals, told through a striking montage of archival images and a
ballad composed by Dunn himself about the legendary 19th-century Siksika
(Blackfoot) chief who negotiated Treaty 7 on behalf of the Blackfoot Confederacy.
Audio Commentary For The Ballad of
Crowfoot With Kevin Howes And Lawrence Dunn, Co-Producers Of Creation
Never Sleeps, Creation Never Dies: The Willie Dunn Anthology
You Are On Indian Land (Michael Kanentakeron
Mitchell, 1969) (32 mins)
A landmark film that documents a 1969 protest by the Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) of
Akwesasne, a territory that straddles the Canada–U.S. border. You Are On
Indian Land screened extensively across the continent, helping to mobilize
a new wave of Indigenous activism. It notably was shown at the 1970 occupation
of Alcatraz.
Consume (Mike Peterson, 2017) (20 mins)
Inspired by true events, residential school survivor Jacob Wematim (Julian
Black Antelope) struggles to hang onto his land and Indigenous identity as his
personal demons resurface and manifest in the form of the Wendigo spirit.
DISC 10:
Brunello Rondi, Italy, 1963
98 mins | 1.85:1 | B/W | Region Free
Italian mono with optional English subtitles
Restored from the original negative at RAI TV in Rome
A stunning story of obsessive love, set in a rural Southern
Italian village where Christianity has integrated many of the old superstitious
beliefs. Daliah Lavi (THE WHIP AND THE BODY) plays Purif, who is distraught
when her lover is betrothed to another. Her erratic behavior is interpreted as
demonic possession—leading the villagers to turn against her with physical and
sexual violence.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary By Film Historian Kat Ellinger
“The Kid From A Kibbutz” — Daliah Lavi And The Road To
IL DEMONIO (27.5 mins)
A newly-commissioned video essay written and narrated by film historian Tim
Lucas and edited by filmmaker and programmer Chris O’Neill
Once Upon A Time In Basilicata
Brunello Rondi biographer Alberto Pezzotta looks at IL DEMONIO and the themes
that dominated the director’s eclectic career
Mariano Baino, Russia/UK/Ukraine/Italy, 1993

89 minutes | 1.85:1 | Color | Region Free
Italian stereo with optional English subtitles
Mastered in HD from the original negative
In Mariano Baino’s groundbreaking debut, a young
Englishwoman drawn to an island in the Black Sea in an attempt to discover her
mysterious connection to a remote convent—a crumbling edifice that has been
constructed over a labyrinth of Lovecraftian horrors.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Writer/Director Mariano Baino
Deep Into The DARK WATERS (50 mins)
The cast and crew recall the making of DARK WATERS in this archival documentary
DISC 11:
Ben Wheatley, UK, 2012
90 mins | 2.35:1 | B/W | Region A
English 5.1 / English 2.0 | Closed Captions
HD Digital Master
During the Civil War in 17th-Century England, a small group
of deserters flee from a raging battle and are captured by an alchemist who
forces them to help him find a hidden treasure. Crossing a vast mushroom
circle, which provides their first meal, the group succumbs to the terrifying
energies trapped inside the field.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With Director Ben Wheatley, Producer
Andy Starke And Sound Editor Martin Pavey
Letterboxd Magic Hour Episode One: Kier-La Janisse X Ben
Wheatley (45 mins)
Ben Wheatley talks folk horror with WOODLANDS DARK AND DAYS BEWITCHED director
Kier-La Janisse in this special online interview conducted for the release of
Wheatley’s IN THE EARTH.
Please Hear Me — The Music of A FIELD IN
ENGLAND (6 mins)
Composer Jim Williams and Ben Wheatley discuss the sounds and musical
influences of A FIELD IN ENGLAND.
Ben Wheatley In Conversation With Pete Tombs (23 mins)
A fascinating discussion between Wheatley and film historian/author (“Immoral
Tales,” “Mondo Macabro”) Pete Tombs that gets deep into the DNA of A FIELD IN
Camera Tests (10.5 mins)
Chris Newby, UK, 1993
108 mins | 1.66:1 | B/W | Region A
Closed Captions
Mastered in HD by the British Film Institute
Based on the true story of Christine Carpenter, a
14th-century peasant who becomes transfixed by a statue of the Virgin Mary, and
petitions to be walled into a cell attached to the church as a religious
hermit. Alone in her cell she receives dark and sensual visions, while in the
outside world, her defiant mother (played by musician Toyah Wilcox) is accused
of witchcraft.
Special Features:
Lockdown 1329 (13.5 mins)
A new video essay by ANCHORESS director Chris Newby that explores parallels
between COVID lockdown in the UK and Christine Carpenter’s experience as an
anchoress, featuring outtakes from the film.
A Short Trip To Shere (2.5 mins)
ANCHORESS director Chris Newby documents the location of the real Christine
Carpenter’s anchoress cell at St. James’ Church in Shere, England.
DISC 12:
Alan Clarke, UK, 1974
90 mins | 1:33:1 | Color | Region A
English mono | Closed Captions
Mastered in HD by the British Film Institute
Alan Clark (Scum) directs David Rudkin’s epic tale of myth
and identity whereby a sanctimonious Vicar’s son has a spiritual and sexual
awakening after being visited by a series of angels, gargoyles, and the ghosts
of Edward Elgar and a long-dead Pagan King. Penda’s Fen is the most magical of
ALL British Folk Horror films, what Scholar Sukhdev Sandhu called “A lasting
vision of heresy and pastoral horror.”
Special Features:
Audio Commentary by James Machin and Matthew Hale, Editors
of the book “Of Mud & Flame: The Penda’s Fen Sourcebook”
The Landscape of Feelings: The Road to Penda’s Fen (16
A Documentary on
the making of Rudkin and Clarke’s groundbreaking Drama, featuring interviews
with Writer David Rudkin and Producer David Rose as well as contributions from
Clarke collaborators such as Writer David Yallop, Actor Sean Chapman and
Playwright David Leland. Courtesy of The British Film Institute.
Plus Bonus Short Film:
The Pledge (Digby Rumsey, 1982) (22 mins)
Based on the short story by early 20th Century Fantasy Writer Lord
Dunsany, The Pledge concerns a group of Highwaymen who make a pact to
save the should of their hanged partner. A dark, luscious film co-edited
by an uncredited Peter Greenaway and featuring music by Michael Nyman. Courtesy
of The British Film Institute.
James MacTaggart, UK, 1970
76 mins| 1:33:1 | B/W | Region A
English mono | Closed Captions
Mastered from BBC protection tape master, the only surviving element
Veteran British chiller writer John Bowen penned this
legendarily terrifying BBC teleplay, now considered a precursor to
THE WICKER MAN. Nora Palmer moves to a quiet village in England after a
break-up. The locals are warm enough at first, but their sinister intentions
are gradually revealed. Is Nora paranoid or is she the center of a wicked
pagan plot of indescribable horror?
Special Features:
Audio Commentary With William Fowler And Vic Pratt,
Curators And Authors Of “The Bodies Beneath: The Flipside of British Film &
Interview With John Bowen (12 mins)
The celebrated writer discusses his career and the origins of ROBIN REDBREAST.
Courtesy of the British Film Institute.
Plus bonus short film:
The Sermon (Dean Puckett, 2018) (12 mins) In an
isolated church community in the English countryside, a powerful hate preacher
prepares to deliver a sermon to his flock, but his daughter has a secret that
could destroy them all.

Composed by Jim Williams
By Arthur Machen
Read by Linda Hayden
Music by Timothy Fife and Missionary Work
Arthur Machen’s hugely influential short story, first
published in 1904, in which a discussion between two men on the nature of evil leads to the revelation
of a mysterious Green Book—the diary of a young girl, in which she describes
her initiation into a secret world of folklore and magic. Here the story is
brought vividly to life with an incredible reading by Linda Hayden (BLOOD ON
SATAN’S CLAW) and a remarkable original score.

Curated by Kier-La Janisse, this beautifully-illustrated book designed by
Luke Insect features new writing by Andy Paciorek, Stephen Volk, Mitch
Horowitz, Dawn Keetley, Sarah Chavez, Stephen R. Bissette and Dejan
Ognjanović alongside a selection of illuminating archival pieces and a
breakdown of all the films in the set.