недеља, 28. август 2022.





Evo nam ga jedan found footage Made in Taiwan: nekada davno je ta etiketa bila zvono za uzbunu i znak za zajebanciju, ali što se tiče ovog filma, mora se priznati da je urađen veštije i bolje od većine zapadnjačkih, ima zabavnu (mada nedorečenu) mitologiju iza sebe: nekakvi gejaci, brđani, obožavaju zloćudnog ženskog Budu.

Tu je i nekolicina vešto izvedenih horor set-pisova – naročito kad se, uglavnom u flešbekovima (u pomalo iritirajućoj strukturi gde se, ne uvek pregledno, skače između vremenskih tokova), iz grada ode na selo, u planinu, i u jezivi tunel u koji ne treba ulaziti – ali naravno da će neko da uđe, i sve vreme da snima, i da najebe zbog toga…

Umerene pohvale ovom filmu ne znače da u suštini, i formalno i narativno, ovo sve nije već viđeno i da nema poprilično jeftinih fazona tipičnih za ovaj FFF podžanr – uključujući dva koja me redovno najviše izluđuju:  

1) found footage omogućava formu koja naizgled ne zahteva koherentnu i zaokruženu priču, nego je zasnovana na fragmentarnosti i nedovršenosti, kao u tzv. „stvarnom životu“. To je ono homerovsko „a bunch of stuff that happened“, prosto se nabaca neka količina jezivih slika, prizora, scena (a ima ih ovde, treba priznati!), a veza između njih, ako uopšte postoji, nek se stvara u umovima gledalaca, ako im je baš stalo do toga, a ne do jezive vožnje u horor luna parku sa „BU!!!“ iskakanjem na svakih pet minuta.

2) Postoji previše scena ovde u kojima apsolutno nema smisla niti logike da je osoba u kadru a) imala uopšte uključenu kameru u tom trenutku, b) da je baš tad baš to snimala i c) da je baš tako namestila i usmerila kameru, a naročito d) da, čak i kad počnu gadne stvari da se dešavaju, ta osoba i dalje brine o tome gde joj je kamera, podešava je da uhvati ono što treba, i nosi je sa sobom tamo gde joj očigledno život u opasnosti, i čovek tu ne može da ne usklikne: „Jebo film, jebo snimanje i kameru već jednom, aman ostavi to govno i spasaj živu glavu, luda ženo!“

A tu je i treća zamerka donekle srodna sa drugom: VARANJE u formi. Naime, film na kvarno ubacuje i neke kadrove koji apsolutno nisu dijegetički opravdani – u smislu, oni ne potiču sa kamere osobe koja snima, nego pružaju kratke „objektivne“ fleševe iz kojih bolje sagledavamo geografiju neke scene. Što će reći – film bi bio mnogo bolji da stvari prikazuje „normalno“ i da se uopšte ne drži jebene FFF forme, koja mu je koliko adut, toliko i teret, i često ne zna šta će s njom, pa mora da vara.  

A da nismo opterećeni tim „home video“ alibijem što neke scene snimljene u domaćinstvu postoje, bili bismo pošteđeni scena u kojima neurotična majka mazi svoju ćerčicu koja se zove Dodo, a ona ćućori s kevom, koje su NEGLEDLJIVO prezašećerene: to tipično azijatsko tepanje i ćerčičino „umiljato“ cvrkutanje, to cacili-macili, mamice-pamice, dudili-mudili, dodo-modo je zaista krindž-patetično odvratno. Ali to se može preleteti i na ffw.

da li je pikila moja mikica-pikica?

Trebaće vam ovde malo više pažnje, koncentracije i pamćenja nego u prosečnom američkom „pet budala jurcaju po hodnicima napuštene zgrade“ FFF-u, i zbog te prošlost-sadašnjost strukture, i zbog pojedinosti i pravila oko prokletstva, mita, legende, boginje, mada ako nešto i ne pohvatate, ima na internetima objašnjenje čemu sve to služi a uz to i (ne) radi.

Anyway, ako ste gladni horora koji ima zanimljiviju i mračniju pozadinu (ideju) nego ono što je iz nje izvukao (BU! pa BUU! i na kraju BUUU!!!), pogledajte ovaj. Mada u svojoj krajnjoj poenti pomalo besramno krade od RINGUa, ima tu dovoljno strave da vam usadi u mozak seme za košmare.

P.S. Za one kojima se mora crtati: postoji i novi američki horor s istim ovim naslovom. Nisam ga gledo i nisam siguran hoću li. Ovo je bio rivju za tajvanski INCANTATION.

среда, 24. август 2022.

Najveći GHOUL SHOP u novijoj istoriji!


 Dok normalni ljudi kupuju deci knjige za škole, drva za zimu, paprike itd. za zimnicu – obraćam se nenormalnim ljudima koji prate ovaj blog i žele da se snabdeju literaturom za duge i mračne jesenje i zimske dane koji predstoje. Struje možda neće biti, ali za ove knjige ne treba vam struja, barem preko dana. Noću ih možete i uz sveću, što je za većinu ovoga što vam nudim ionako prikladniji ugođaj…

            Dakle, iznosim pred vas najveću ponudu knjiga do sada.

            Ako vas neke zanimaju, pišite mi što pre na dogstar666 at yahoo dot com.


            Vi birate način slanja, pa mi ga recite odmah: imate opcije

a) preporučena tiskovina

b) paket (sa trackingom)

c) post expres.






Sad sam, kopajući po zabitim delovima moje biblioteke, pronašao još tri primerka, tako da ih kod sebe imam ukupno ČETIRI. Kad oni odu, otišli su, i NAŽIVO mi nemojte više tražiti sve dok jednog dana ne procenim da ima dovoljno (preko sto) zainteresovanih da radim ČETVRTO izdanje.

Zbog toga je cena ovih poslednjih primeraka 1.500 din + ptt.

Neka odu tamo gde su najželjeniji.



Roman. Moj magnum opus.

380 str, tvrdo, ilustr.

900 din + ptt



Moje odabrane priče, pretežno folk-ruralnog horora.

200 str, tvrdo, ilustr.

800 din + ptt


prikazi, eseji, kritike knjiga i filmova

900 din + ptt


ZAVODNIKA nemam, za njega pišite izdavaču na orfelinns@gmail.com




Svaku od ovih knjiga imam u po jednom primerku, što znači – tko prvi djevojci…



2.500 + ptt



1.000 + ptt



1.100 din + ptt


ČOVEK – DRVEĆE – Blekvud

1.000 din + ptt PRODATO!



1.000 din + ptt PRODATO!


PARAZIT – A. K. Dojl

1.100 din + ptt PRODATO!





BLOOD OF KILLERS – Gerard Houarner

Prolific horror author Houarner (The Oz Suite ) assembles a disturbing collection of 13 reprints and 12 originals. Most of the tales highlighting his twisted supernatural assassin, Max (featured in 2001’s The Beast That Was Max ), are brief, but “Like Smoke Rising from the Burning Ghats” offers detailed descriptions of a young boy in Calcutta becoming something monstrous, and the novella “Dancing with the Skeletons at the Feast of the Dead” is almost symphonic in its depiction of brutality in a small Mexican village. The other stories are no less dark: in “Let Me Tell You a Story,” a babysitter manipulates her charges into committing acts of evil, while “The Shape” is a harsh tale of mental illness and abuse. The bleakness might turn off some readers, but fans of intense, psychology-driven horror and sharp writing will be more than satisfied.

450 str, mek povez

1.300 din + ptt PRODATO!



She is utterly beautiful, and utterly insane. A novel from Edward Lee & Elizabeth Steffen. A full-force, hardcore psycho thriller. Unlike anything you've seen from Ed Lee before. Psychopath She shackles them to the bed. She glues their eyes closed. She punctures their eardrums. She sews their lips shut. Torturess They can't move. They can't see or hear. They can't scream. All they can do is feel. And with her tools -- her scalpels and needles, her bonesaws and her knives -- She gives them a lot to feel... "The novel that American Psycho should have been... brutal, break-neck, and very real. An astonishing, gruesome feminist thriller..." - Andrew Harper, author of Bad Karma


mek povez

1.300 din + ptt



REVENANTS – Daniel Mills

The year is 1689. Situated on the northern boundary of the Massachusetts Bay colony, the town of Cold Marsh is a place of secrets, a village characterized by repression and guilt. Fourteen years have passed since the outbreak of King Philip's War and darkness has come to the Cold Marsh. Two of the town's young women have vanished under mysterious circumstances, and the country seethes with rumors of witchcraft and devilry. Even their God has abandoned them. When a third young woman disappears, the men of the village determine to leave the safety of the village and enter the other world of the woods in search of her. Revenants is a lyrical evocation of the colonial landscape, a poetic meditation on the hills and wilds of that vanished country. It also brings back to life, with breathing intimacy, the inner landscape of sombre repression known to the settlers of New England.

1.100 din + ptt


FROM A BUICK 8 – Stephen King

In a secret shed behind the barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police, Troop D, there's a cherry Buick Roadmaster no one has touched in years - because there's more power under the hood than anyone can handle...

500 din + ptt


ABERRANT – Marek Šindelka

The remarkable debut novel from Marek Šindelka, Aberrant is a multifaceted work that mixes and mashes together a variety of genres and styles to create a heady concoction of crime story, horror story (inspired by the Japanese tradition of kaidan), ecological revenge fantasy, and Siberian shamanism. Nothing is what it seems. What appears to be human is actually a shell occupied by an alien spirit, or demon, and what appears to be an unassuming plant is an aggressive parasite that harbors a poisonous substance within, or manifests itself as an assassin, a phantom with no real substance who pursues his victims across Europe and through a post-apocalyptic Prague ravaged by floods. The blind see, and the seeing are blind. Plants behave like animals, and animals are symbionts with plants. Through these devices, Šindelka weaves a tale of three childhood friends, the errant paths their lives take, and the world of rare plant smuggling — and the consequences of taking the wrong plant — to show the rickety foundation of illusions on which our relationship to the environment, and to one another, rests. It is a world of aberrations, anomalies, and mistakes.

1.200 din + ptt




A stunning achievement in speculative fiction, A Voyage to Arcturus has inspired, enchanted, and unsettled readers for decades. It is simultaneously an epic quest across one of the most unusual and brilliantly depicted alien worlds ever conceived, a profoundly moving journey of discovery into the metaphysical heart of the universe, and a shockingly intimate excursion into what makes us human and unique.  
After a strange interstellar journey, Maskull, a man from Earth, awakens alone in a desert on the planet Tormance, seared by the suns of the binary star Arcturus. As he journeys northward, guided by a drumbeat, he encounters a world and its inhabitants like no other, where gender is a victory won at dear cost; where landscape and emotion are drawn into an accursed dance; where heroes are killed, reborn, and renamed; and where the cosmological lures of Shaping, who may be God, torment Maskull in his astonishing pilgrimage. At the end of his arduous and increasingly mystical quest waits a dark secret and an unforgettable revelation.

800 din + ptt PRODATO!



COMMUNION – Whitley Strieber

On December 26, 1985, at a secluded cabin in upstate New York, Whitley Strieber went skiing with his wife and son, ate Christmas dinner leftovers, and went to bed early.
Six hours later, he found himself suddenly awake... and forever changed.
Thus begins the most astonishing true-life odyssey ever recorded—one man's riveting account of his extraordinary experiences with visitors from "elsewhere"... how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why...

400 din + ptt PRODATO!



Twelve short stories accompanied by critical essays discussing development are provided by accomplished science fiction writers.

A provocative collection of stories by science fiction's finest, including Samuel R. Delany, Kate Wilhelm, Harlan Ellison, Ursula K. LeGuin, and many others. Accompanying each story is an eloquent critical essay in which the writer discusses one...

400 din + ptt PRODATO!



Najnovije, ultimativno izdanje manje znanih priča genija Teda Klajna – sadrži i moj opsežan intervju sa njim i još neke dodatke i retkosti. Zadugo nenabavljiva knjiga, ponovo je objavljena, u ovom izdanju, krajem prošle godine.

1.600 din + ptt PRODATO!






tvrd povez, veliki format, pun kolor,

400 din + ptt


DRAKULA – Žorž Bes

Gotsko remek-delo mračne, večne lepote...

Priča o besmrtnom vampiru i sama je postala besmrtna. Znamo je iz folklora i mitova, iz slavnog romana Brema Stokera i brojnih filmskih adaptacija, i nikad nam je nije dosta. Francuski autor Žorž Bes nudi svoju viziju popularne legende, trudeći se, pritom, da ostane što verniji Stokerovom originalu.

Čuven po izuzetnom crtačkom umeću, on bira crno-belu tehniku kako bi dodatno istakao snagu svoje linije i delu dao prikladnu atmosferu jeze i užasa, prateći priču o Džonatanu Harkeru, Mini, profesoru Van Helsingu i drugima koji su se, sticajem raznih okolnosti, susreli sa dijaboličnim stvorenjem, nosferatuom, poznatim kao Vlad III Cepeš, odnosno grof Drakula. Besov Drakula predstavlja delo virtuoza, u kom se jasno vidi da je njegov autor jedan od najboljih stripskih umetnika današnjice.

Kod izdavača je 1.500.

Kod mene = 1.300 din + ptt




Odakle dolaze serijske ubice? 

Bakaru u Oregonu rodno je mesto šesnaest najgnusnijih serijskih ubica na svetu. Čarls Kerol, opsednuti FBI profajler koji istražuje zbivanja u tom gradu, najednom nestaje i sada njegov prijatelj Nikolas Finč, službenik Agencije za državnu bezbednost, započinje potragu upravo u tom gradu, pri čemu odlučuje da sarađuje sa zloglasnim serijskim ubicom Edvardom Vorenom, zvanim Noktožder, kako bi pronašao prijatelja i ponudio odgovor na misteriozno pitanje: „Odakle dolaze serijske ubice?“

 Iz majstorskog pera Džošue Vilijamsona i Majka Hendersona dolazi ova neodoljiva, mračna misterija, koja se najbolje može opisati kao mešavina „Tvin Piksa“ i horor trilera „Sedam“!

Kod izdavača je 1.700

Kod mene = 1.400 din + ptt



Po ovoj epizodi (i Sklavijevoj noveli) rađen je film DELLAMORTE DELLAMORE!

300 din + ptt PRODATO!



Zadugo kod nas nedostupna epizoda: Dnevnik je propao pre njenog izlaska, a Hrvati je nisu objavili kad su nastavili s Dilanom gde je Dnevnik stao…

200 din + ptt PRODATO!



Sklavi radi Linča! Dupla epizoda (u dve sveske).

200+200 = 400 din + ptt PRODATO!





FILAŽ br. 16-17

Pored ostalog, sadrži i moje intervjue sa Fanrisom di Velzom i Janom Harlanom o Kjubrikovom Isijavanju…

400 din + ptt



This double edition covers the films and festivals of 2006 and 2007, and encompasses the output of a broad range of countries. It has been written by expert local correspondants who present critical reviews assessing films, trends and industry developments, and cover features, documentaries and shorts from both mainstream and arthouse markets.

420 str, mek povez

500 din din + ptt




Too often dismissed as nothing more than 'trash cinema', exploitation films have become both earnestly appreciated cult objects and home video items that are more accessible than ever. In this wide-ranging new study, David Church explores how the history of drive-in theatres and urban grind houses has descended to the home video formats that keep these lurid movies fondly alive today.
Arguing for the importance of cultural memory in contemporary fan practices, Church focuses on both the re-release of archival exploitation films on DVD and the recent cycle of 'retrosploitation' films like GrindhouseMacheteVivaThe Devil's Rejects, and Black Dynamite. At a time when older ideas of subcultural belonging have become increasingly subject to nostalgia, Grindhouse Nostalgia presents an indispensable study of exploitation cinema's continuing allure, and is a bold contribution to our understanding of fandom, taste politics, film distribution, and home video.

tvrd povez, 300 str

1.600 din + ptt PRODATO






500 din + ptt



kod izdavača 880 din

kod mene: 600 din + ptt



200 din + ptt



300 din + ptt PRODATO!


PO-ETIKA - Danilo Kiš

300 din + ptt PRODATO!


POETIKA GROTESKE - Petar Pijanović

Beograd : Narodna knjiga-Alfa, 2001 (Novi Sad : Budućnost)
446 str. ; 21 cm
Biblioteka Alfa. Esej 2001. ; knj. 3
mala tipologija, od priče ka romanu, kratki roman, rustikalni teatar apsurda, roman / diptih, pohvala ludosti, Beket u Bulatovićevom romanu, trilogija, pripovedni esej, književni intervju, biblioteka evropskog srama, dvojnik, poetički eklekticizam, postupak, dokument...
pripovedačka umetnost Miodraga Bulatovića, groteska, teorija književnosti, groteske, srpska postmoderna...

700 din + ptt PRODATO!



Sukobljavajući neprekidno iskrsavanje lažnog u istoriji i u umetnosti i književnosti, Aćin pokušava da u njima prepozna razgraničenja i uoči pukotine koje ih dele; u ovoj nezaboravnoj knjizi iznova se postavlja klasično pitanje istinitog i lažnog, problematizuju se pojmovi autentičnog, apokrifnog, zbiljskog i fiktivnog, zatim hvata ukoštac s višesmislenostima stvarnog događanja, simulacije, blefa, prerušavanja, oponašanja, retuširanja, obmanjivanja, nehotičnih i svesno odabranih zabluda...
Ovo je dragocena knjiga u kojoj je obuhvatna erudicija oplemenjena samosvojnim teorijskim uvidima, koja podjednako svedoči o autorovom istraživačkom, interpretativnom i književnom daru.

300 din + ptt PRODATO!





UTILITARIZAM – Džon Sstjuart Mil

Verovanje koje kao osnovu moralnosti prihvata Korist, ili princip Vrhovne sreće, smatra da su dela ispravna u onoj meri u kojoj promovišu sreću, a loša ukoliko proizvode suprotan efekat od sreće. Pod srećom se misli na zadovoljstvo i na odsustvo bola; pod nesrećom se misli na bol i na uskraćivanje zadovoljstva.

250 din + ptt



An exploration of the infliction of pain, and its problem for human life, using examples from art and literature. Why do most people oppose cruelty in the abstract yet there are so many examples of cruelty in fact?
Hallie talks about the ways that victims can refuse to comply with the terms of the abusive relationship, albeit at great risk to themselves

Philip Hallie's work is foundational for understanding the shadow side of human life. His exploration across a broad array of circumstances of the complex relationship of victim and victimizer is compelling and provides an ethical framework for the challenges of modernity.

Ima i poglavlje o hororu...

tvrd povez, 200 str

1.000 din + ptt




WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN - Bertrand Russell

Dedicated as few men have been to the life of reason, Bertrand Russell has always been concerned with the basic questions to which religion also addresses itself -- questions about man's place in the universe and the nature of the good life, questions that involve life after death, morality, freedom, education, and sexual ethics. He brings to his treatment of these questions the same courage, scrupulous logic, and lofty wisdom for which his other work as philosopher, writer, and teacher has been famous. These qualities make the essays included in this book perhaps the most graceful and moving presentation of the freethinker's position since the days of Hume and Voltaire.

"I am as firmly convinced that religions do harm as I am that they are untrue," Russell declares in his Preface, and his reasoned opposition to any system or dogma which he feels may shackle man's mind runs through all the essays in this book, whether they were written as early as 1899 or as late as 1954.

tvrd povez, 266 str

1.100 din + ptt PRODATO!



300 din din + ptt



Božanski ludak je tajna biografija jednog od najomiljenijih svetaca Tibeta, buddhe Drukpe Kunleya. Drukpa Kunley je bio `nyomba`, ludi jogi koji je podučavao nečuvenim ponašanjem i grubim humorom, kroz simboličku akciju, pjesme i poeziju. Koristeći se emocijama, neurozama i seksualnošću ljudi, kao tantrički yogi vještim sredstvima i ludom mudrošću probudio je njihovu buddha prirodu. 

200 din + ptt PRODATO!


DEKONSTRUKCIJA - Kristofer Noris

Kraj metafizike i novo mišljenje - od Ničea do Deride.

300 din + ptt PRODATO!


O NEMAČKIM MITOVIMA - Grof Kristijan Fon Kroko

300 din + ptt




What if everyone actually was famous for exactly fifteen minutes? What if Joey Ramone could save the world? What if the spiritual enlightenment of saints and sages was a sexually transmitted disease? These are the fictions. Neon signs that predict a city's future. Companies paying people to insult their clients online. Edgar Allan Poe's New York is still alive, but not well. These are the facts. And they say speculative fiction and personal essays don't belong in the same book. Whether in the glossy pages of the men's magazine Razor or the stolen reams of office supplies that make up the zine The Whirligig, the writing of Nick Mamatas is your hitchhiker's guide to the new, and very weird, millennium. 

800 din + ptt PRODATO!





OGLEDALO MORA - Džozef Konrad

OGLEDALO MORA - uspomene i utisci - LIČNA ISTORIJA - sećanja

Tvrdi povez sa zaštitnim omotom, ćirilica, 385 stranica, zacepljen zaštitni omot

400 din + ptt



In this classic, John le Carre's third novel and the first to earn him international acclaim, he created a world unlike any previously experienced in suspense fiction. With unsurpassed knowledge culled from his years in British Intelligence, le Carre brings to light the shadowy dealings of international espionage in the tale of a British agent who longs to end his career but undertakes one final, bone-chilling assignment. When the last agent under his command is killed and Alec Leamas is called back to London, he hopes to come in from the cold for good. His spymaster, Control, however, has other plans. Determined to bring down the head of East German Intelligence and topple his organization, Control once more sends Leamas into the fray -- this time to play the part of the dishonored spy and lure the enemy to his ultimate defeat.

Tvrdi povez sa zaštitnim omotom

300 din + ptt PRODATO!



Strange things are happening at Biehl's Academy when this elite school opens its doors to a group of orphans and reform-school rejects, kids at the end of the system's tether. The school is run by a peculiar set of rules by which every minute is regimented and controlled. Soon, they suspect they are guinea pigs in a bizarre social experiment and that their only hope of escape is to break through a dangerous threshold of time and space. Peter Høeg's "brilliant" and dystopian Borderliners is a "uniquely philosophical thriller" (Boston Sunday Globe) and a haunting story of childhood travail and hope.

Tvrdi povez sa zaštitnim omotom

800 din + ptt




300 din + ptt PRODATO!



Klasična priča strave, i još neke pride…

300 din + ptt



It is Germany near the end of World War II, the Allies have landed, and members of the Vichy France government have been sequestered in a labyrinthine castle, replete with secret passages and subterranean hideaways. The group of 1,400 terrified officials, their wives, mistresses, flunkies, and Nazi “protectors”—including Céline, his wife, their cat, and an actor friend—attempt to postpone the postwar reckoning under the constant threat of air raids and starvation.

mek povez,

1.000 din + ptt PRODATO!




Celine's first novel, Journey to the End of the Night and its sequel, Death on Credit, were a new kind of novel, frank about the author's thoughts and actions in a way that readers had never encountered, ultra-realistic, and full of incidents that could not possibly be true to life, characters that stretched the imagination in spite of their having obviously been drawn from life. In Death on Credit, Ferdinand Bardamu, Celine's alter ego, is a doctor in Paris treating the poor, who seldom pay him but who take every advantage of his availability. The action is not continuous but goes back in time to earlier memories and often moves into fantasy. This fascinating book by one of the greatest 20th-century novelists is an unforgettable experience for the reader.

mek povez,

1.100 din + ptt



300 din + ptt


HROMI PLEMIĆ . A. K. Tolstoj

200 din + ptt



Iz zaostavštine kneza Šternenhoha, jednog od najistaknutijih velmoža carstva nemačkog s početka ovog veka, koji bi zaista postao naslednik Bizmarka u uredu kancelara da Sudba ne baci na njegov put moćnu ličnost Helgu-Demonu, pao nam je u ruke fragment njegovog dnevnika. Ne oklevamo sa njegovim objavljivanjem jer priča koju donosi jedna je od najjezivijih, a u isti mah najkomičnijih koje znamo.

300 din + ptt 



CRNI CVETKO – Boban Knežević

Roman Bobana Kneževića je fantastična i tragična priča u kojoj su vešto oživljeni motivi narodne književnosti, naroičito svet epskih pesama i bajki. Tako su se, jedan spram drugog, našli likovi u kojima se prepoznaju Marko Kraljević i Baš-Čelik, i predeli poput Helenine gore i šume Striborove.

Mek povez, 166 str

– 500 din + ptt



Otisak zveri u pepelu je hod kroz dugogodišnje književno stvaralaštvo Bobana Kneževića, koje je obeleženo uznemirujućim vizijama mogućih budućnosti Srbije.


1. Dolina neupaljenih sveća
2. Bez obale
3. Naselje Sunca
4. Valcer pored lepog plavog Dunava
5. Prosjak i kockar
6. Lovac Grahus, možda
7. Negde u Srbiji bunar
8. Vučji
9. Taar nepobedivi
10. Otisak zveri u pepelu
11. Noć koja neće doći
14. Vreme krpa


mek povez, 190 str,

500 din + ptt



POGANAC – Boban Knežević

Veselin Čajkanović sreće Alistera Kroulija! Opet, i opet, i opet! Stalno se sreću! Zašto?

Na Avali, ispod drevnog Žrnova, dečak se susreće sa nedokučivim... U Lajpcigu, na studijama, mladića upoznaju sa slovenskim šamanima i okultnim ritualima... Nedra afričke pustinje, kraj Bizerte, kriju užase veće od strahota Velikog rata... Balansirajući na oštrici između istorijske proze i lavkraftovske kosmičke strave, roman Bobana Kneževića daje jedinstven uvid u usude sa kojima se suočavamo. (Miodrag Milovanović)


mek povez, 316 str,

600 din + ptt




Integralna, neobrezana verzija romana POSLEDNJI SRBIN.


Mek, 466 str,

500 din + ptt


            Zbornik tekstova na temu praistorije Evrope. Sadržaj:

            Ilustrovano cb fotkama i crtežima, dijagramima itsl.

            Mek povez, 230 str

800 din + ptt


FORWARD – S. Vladušić

Vitalova nagrada, "Zlatni suncokret", za najbolju knjigu za 2009.godinu.
Ko sve strada kad se ukrste fudbal i zločin, rijaliti šou i detektivska potraga? A šta se može desiti u Rumuniji kad si mrtav ?Prvi dribling krimić u srpskoj književnosti !

Mek, 400 din + ptt


Uzbudljivi krimi triler najprevođenijeg domaćeg pisca!!!

Tvrd povez sa omotom,

400 din + ptt PRODATO!