The Book of Lists: HORROR
Amy Wallace, Del Howison, Scott Bradley, Harper, 2008
The Book of Lists izdanja potiču još od kraja sedamdesetih. Tada popularni bestselerista i scenarista
Čak i nakon Valasove smrti 1990, njegova djeca su nastavila taj legat. Sin mu je objavio nekoliko enciklopedija. Najpoznatija je The People's Almanac Presents the 20th Century History With the Boring Parts Left Out, dok je
Najnovija knjiga listi u kojoj je učestvovala
Minus je sljedeći: mnogo nepoznatih ljudi daje svoje liste sa kolosalnim anotacijama i mnoge od njih su zaista besmislene obzirom da ih je većina trebala imati komičan ton. Mnogi poznati ljudi
Npr., donekle mi je jasno da Ričard Stenli ostavi svoj potpis na desetak strana ove publikacije, ali ne i u slučaju
Najveći minus stiže za to što je mnogo, mnogo mjesta ostavljeno recentnoj horror produkciji, u ovom slučaju filmskoj. Naime, vrlo malo ćemo saznati o starim velikanima, mada ćemo dobiti i listu inspiracija nekog pisca koji je napisao tušta i tma horor-trilera a u suštini je vrlo malo ljudi čulo za njega, Majkl Slejd.
Suštinski okej, ali samo okej. Ne znam zbog čega, ali očekivao sam daleko više od publikacije koja, uostalom kao i The New Book of Lists, uopšte nema korisnog Indexa na kraju knjige.
Evo par finih listi (bez anotacija, što generalno umanjuje efekat ali…):
Richard Stanley's Ten Favorite Italian Horror Movies (Plus 3 Borderline Cases):
1) Kill Baby… Kill! (Bava, 1966)
2) Four Flies on Grey Velvet (Argento, 1972)
3) Don't Torture a Duckling (Fulci, 1972)
4) Lisa and the Devil (Bava, 1972)
6) Suspiria (Argento, 1977)
7) Zombie Flesh-Eaters (Fulci, 1979)
8) Cannibal Holocaust (Deodato, 1980)
9) Inferno (Argento, 1980)
10) The Beyond (Fulci, 1981)
Three Borderline Cases:
1) Danger: Diabolik (Bava, 1967)
3) "Toby Dammitt" from Histories Extraordinaire (Spirits of the Dead; Fellini, 1968)
Mick Farren's Ten Best of Hammer Horror:
1) Dracula, 1958
2) The Vampire Lovers, 1970
3) Countess Dracula, 1971
4) The Quatermass Experiment, 1955
5) Quatermass and the Pit, 1967
6) Rasputin, the Mad Monk, 1966
7) The Devil Rides Out, 1968
8) The Camp on
9) She, 1965
10) One Million Zears B.C., 1966
Jorg Buttgereit's Top Ten Japanese Monster Movies:
1) Frankenstein Conquers the World, 1965
2) Godzilla Vs. the Smog
3) King Kong Escapes, 1967
4) Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People, 1963
5) Gamera Vs. Guiron, 1969
6) Mothra, 1961
7) Goke, Bodysnatcher From Hell, 1968
8) Godzilla, 1954
9) Gamera 3 – Revenge of the Irys, 1999
Anthony Timpone's Ten Covers I Wish I Never Put on the Cover of Fangoria:
1) Maximum Overdrive, #56
2) Bad Dreams, #72
3) Night Life, #82
4) Dollz Dearest, #102
5) Batman Returns, #114
6) The Craft, #153
7) Species II, #172
8) Virus, #175
9) Psycho 1998, #179
10) The Haunting, #184
Tim Lucas's Ten Horror Films That Aren't Horror Films:
1) J'Accuse!, 1938
2) Pinocchio, 1940
3) Sunset Boulevard, 1950
4) The Miracle of Our Lady of
5) The Night of the Hunter, 1955
7) Last Year at Marienbad, 1961
8) Persona, 1966
9) Gimme Shelter, 1970
10) The Green Room, 1980
Thomas Ligotti's Ten Classics of Horror Poetry:
1) "A Dream Within a Dream", E. A. Poe
2) The Flowers of Evil, Charles Baudelaire
3) "City of Dreadful Night", James Thomson
4) Lead (Plumb), George Bacovia
5) The Fungi from Yoggoth, H. P. Lovecraft
6) Something
7) Nightmare Need, Joseph Payne Brennan
8) "Mr. Blue", Tom Paxton
9) "In the Court of the Crimson King", King Crimson
10) Paper Mask, Thomas Wiloch
James D. Jenkins's Ten Weirdest Gothic Novels:
1) The Witch of Ravensworth, 1808, George Brewer
2) Horrid Mysteries, 1796, Carl Grosse
3) The Necromancer; or, the Tale of the
4) The Animated Skeleton, 1798, Anonymous
5) The Demon of
6) The Mysterious Hand; or, Subterranean Horrours, 1811, Augustus Jacob Crandolph
7) Manfrone; or, the One-Headed Monk, 1809, Mary Anne Radcliffe
8) Santa-Maria; or, the Mysterious Pregnancy, 1797, Joseph Fox, Jr.
9) Deeds of Darkness; or, the
1) Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem, 1994, Peter Ackroyd
2) The Deadly Percheron, 1946,
3) The
4) Committal Chamber, 1966, Russell Braddon
5) The Death Guard, 1939, Philip George Chadwick
6) The
7) Magic, 1976, William Goldman
8) Hangover Square, 1941, Patrick Hamilton
9) The Day the Call
10) A Kiss Before Dying, 1954, Ira Levin
11) The Hole in the Wall, 1902, Arthur Morrison
12) The Art of
sjajan post, baš me zanima ova knjiga, iako verujem tvom sudu da je underwhelming.
ОдговориИзбришиkažeš da je stenli zauzeo 10ak strana?
daj, reci šta je još pisao u njoj? ti znaš da sam ja njegov veliki obožavalac!
Nije problem da ti ovih dana .pdf-ujem i mejlujem Stenlijeve komentare. Prilicno je opsiran o svakom filmu.
ОдговориИзбришиEvo par tema. Kad nadjem vremena, mogu ponesto prepisati ovdje u ovim komentarima:
- Barry Gifford's 15 Favorite Late-Night Tinglers;
- James Gunn's 19 Favorite Reasons God Made Humans So Squishy;
- Tim Sullivan's 13 Favorite "Splatstick" Moments;
- Stephen Volk's 10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death;
- Mark Goodall's 10 Real Mondo Movie Deaths;
- Nancy Holder's 13 Movies She Wishes She'd Never Seen Because They're Too Scary (Yet Continues to Watch Repeatedly);
- Joe Lynch's 10 Movies My Mother Should Have Never Let Me Watch;
-F.X Feeney's 10 Essential "Children of Horror" Films;
- Lisa Morton's Top 10 Asian Horror Movies;
- Dan Madigan's 10 Most Insane, Out-of-This-World Mexican Horror Movies;
- Bob Murawski's 12 Greatest Grindhouse Horror One-Sheets;
- Richard Harland Smith's 10 Horror Movies That Suggest Life is Unlivable;
- Edward Lee's 10 Best Horror Movies With Gratuitous Nudity;
- Josh Olson's 10 Best Horror Movie Sex Scenes;
- C. Courtney Joyner's Top 10 Horror Movie Surgical Blunders;
- Neil Marshall's 10 Best Movie Bovine Fatalities;
- Caitlin R. Kiernan's 13 of the Top 10 Lovecraftian Films Not Actually Based [or Only Losely Based] on the Works of HPL;
- Robert Kurtzman's 10 Favorite Creature Features;
- Bob Burns's 8 Worst Monster Movie Costumes;
- John Skipp's 5 Favorite Benign "Face of God" Moments in Horror Films (+ 10 Honorable Mentions);
- Victor Salva's 10 Things We Have Learned From Horror Movies;
- Bentley Little's 10 Horror One-Hit Wonders That Everyone SHould Read;
- Kirby McCauley's 10 Best Horror Anthologies;
- 13 Surprising Horror Writers
- Michael Marshall Smith's 10 Best Horror Books That You Won't Find on the Horror Shelves;
- Poppy Z. Brite's Top Ten "Dine'n'Die" Stories in Horror Fiction;
- Steve Rasnic Tem's 30 Most memorable Horror Short-Story Reads;
- Gary Brandner's 10 Favorite Horror Novels (In No Particular Order);
- 9 Horror Writers Who Have Written Children's or Young Adult Books;
- Tim Lebbon Top 10 Apocalypses in Horror Fiction;
- Lisa Tuttle's 10 Favorite Scary Short Stories;
- T.E.D. Klein's 25 Most Familiar Horror Plots;
- 8 Horror Notables Who Have Directed Music Videos;
- Kim Newman's 20 Great Horror Movie Theme Songs;
- Christopher Golden's 10 Favorite Supernatural TV Series;
- Steve Niles's Top 20 Horror Comic Covers;
- Brian W. Aldiss's 8 Favorite Works of Horror.