Edited by John Edgar Browning and Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart
Scarecrow Press, 2009
evo jedne zanimljive knjige o vampirima na filmu (pomalo i u književnosti, ali uglavnom kroz veze sa stokerovim DRAKULOM).
potpuni sadržaj ovog hardcovera na nešto preko 300 strana izgleda ovako:
Part I:
Tackling Race, Gender, and Modes of Narration in America
Manly P. Hall, Dracula (1931), and the Complexities of the Classic Horror Film Sequel
Gary D. Rhodes
The Dracula and The Blacula (1972) Cultural Revolution
Paul R. Lehman and Johnn Edgar Browning
The Compulsions of Real/Reel Serial Killers and Vampires: Toward a Gothic Criminology
Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart and Cecil Greek
Blood, Lust, and the Fe/Male Narrative in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) and the Novel (1897)
Lisa Nystrom
The Borg as Vampire in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) and Star Trek: First Contact (1996): An Uncanny Reflection
Justin Everett
When Women Kill: Undead Imagery in the Cinematic Portrait of Aileen Wuornos
Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart and Cecil Greek
Part II: Working through Change and Xenophobia in Europe
Return Ticket to Transylvania: Relations between Historical Reality and Vampire Fiction
Santiago Lucendo
Racism and the Vampire: The Anti-Slavic Premise of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897)
Jimmie Cain
The Grateful Un-Dead: Count Dracula and the Transnational Counterculture in Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
Pam Newland
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) as a Legacy of Romanticism
Martina G. Lüke
Part III: Imperialism, Hybridity, and Cross-Cultural Fertilization in Asia
"Death and the Maiden": The Pontianak as Excess in Malay Popular Culture
Andrew Hock-Soon Ng
Becoming-Death: The Lollywood Gothic of Khwaja Sarfraz's Zinda Laash (Dracula in Pakistan [US title], 1967)
Sean Moreland and Summer Pervez
Modernity as Crisis: Goeng Si and Vampires in Hong Kong Cinema
Dale Hudson
Enter the Dracula: The Silent Screams and Cultural Crossroads of Japanese and Hong Kong Cinema
Wayne Stein
Identity Crisis: Imperialist Vampires in Japan?
Nicholas Schlegel
The Western Eastern: Decoding Hybridity and Cyber Zen Goth(ic) in Vampire Hunter D (1985)
Wayne Stein and John Edgar Browning
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